Chapter 2

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Picture of Blake above.

Crash! Me and Blake look up from what we were doing. I shifted myself on Blake's lap to see what was going on. So does everyone else in the room. Blake groaned when I moved.

"What was that?"said some kid who's name I forgot. Everyone around him shrugged then got up and crowded around the window and looked out at the parking lot. I didn't bother getting up cause I didn't really care and Blake looked like he couldn't care less. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

"Guys take you're seats now."Mrs.Olson said.

"Nope."said one kid. She just shook her head and then sat in her chair.

"What the fuck is up with that guys costume?"Vanessa said laughing. So did the other people around her. I rolled my eyes. "Stuck up bitch." I muttered under my breath and then pushed my hair out of my eyes. Blake starts cracking up. Then suddenly she screamed. I sighed and get off Blakes lap out of my seat and stand on the desk to see what happened. There was blood everywhere and a girl was on the ground with the guy hovering over her. When the guy moved I saw the girls blood soaked body. She looked dead. All the girls screamed.

"What the fuck?"

"What is it?"Blake asked. I motion him to stand on one of the desks. He gasps.

Then the girls finger twitched then she slowly got up. Her face was gray and her eyes had no color.

"How is she alive? She lost so much blood!"Vanessa shrieked. I jumped down from the desk and put my hand over her mouth.

"You need to be quiet or you'll end up like her. And she's not alive. She's dead but the living dead."I whispered to everyone around me.


A few people gasped. Vanessa whimpered. I removed my hand from her mouth and threatened to kill her if she talked just once. I pulled out my knife and picked the lock to the cabinet with all safety stuff in it.

"Skylar why the hell do you have a knife?!"Mrs. Olson shrieked. I ignored her and then grabbed the axe and gave it to Blake. Then I walked over to my teacher and stabbed her while other people get something to protect themselves with. Everyone looked relieved when she collapsed to the ground. Vanessa looked like a nervous wreck.

"Sky w-what do we do?"Vanessa asked.

"Why are you asking me?"I said glaring at her.

"Cause you just seemed like the right person to ask."she said shaking. I rolled my eyes. Everyone else looked towards me. I sighed.

"Ok here's what you guys are going to do. You guys are going to go to Raley's. Barricade yourselves in. If you find anybody along the way take them with you. Make sure everyone in the store hasn't been bitten. If they have, kill them immediately. Don't get to know them. It'll make it harder."I said.

"What are we going to do?"Blake asked.

"We are going to the front office and telling everyone what's going on."I said.

"Ok now everyone remember to be as quiet as you can."Blake said. They all nodded. I grabbed my skateboard from my bag and pulled out the emergency straps from the bottom of the skateboard and put it on like a backpack. Then I went to the door and checked to see if any of the dead have made their way in the school yet. There was none in site. I silently opened the door and let everyone through. Blake went behind me to see if there were any coming from the other way. When everyone was out I shut the door quietly because that door tends to slam. Then me and Blake started running down the stairs to the front office. When we got to the main office hallway the dead were already there. I cut off one of their heads then continued to until there were none of them were standing. Then me and Blake went to the door of the office. Through the windows of the main office the office people were running into the back room and locking it.

"At least they're smart."I whispered to Blake. Then I opened the door and went to the inter com. I pricked it up and pressed the button that made it go over the loud speakers.

"Attention all students! This is Skylar Green speaking. The zombie apocalypse is upon us! This is not a drill! Find something to protect yourself with and be quiet about it. Noise attracts the dead. Now get the fuck out of here! And any of my friends or Blake's we will either be at my house or someplace with a lot of food and water! The bike racks are probably the best way out. Now get the fuck out of here!"I yelled. Suddenly there was a pounding on the window. I look over at the window. The dead were closing in on the door. Blake ran to the door and locked it. Then he went back to my side.

"Oh shit!"I yelled. Then I realized I was still on the loud speakers. I threw it down. Then I pushed one of the desks towards the door.

"C'mon!"Blake said grabbing my hand.

"Where can we go?"I said then I remembered the secret passages found a few years ago in the school. I even made a map of it until the Principle took it. I went over to the principles office door and opened it.

"What are you doing?"Blake asked following me. I ignored him and went directly to the desk. I began opening the drawers and trying to find my hand writing. Then I went to the last drawer. It was locked. Well not for long. I used my knife and picked the lock. When I opened it I found the map.

"Yes! I found it."I said excitedly.

"What did you find?"Blake asked looking back at the front door.

"The map of the secret passages I made a few years ago."I explained. "And I'm pretty sure there's one in here."

"Wait re-

Crash! Me and Blake look to see what happened. The windows shattered. The dead were falling through the windows and then slowly getting up.

"Shit."Blake whispered.

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