Chapter Three

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"I'll get it!" I yell, running to the front door. Opening it, I was expecting the pizza man but instead a nerd was at my doorstep. I lean on the door frame and narrow my eyes as I study his apologetic looking face. "Why are you here?"

"I was wondering if we could talk?" Daniel asks me, looking at me hopeful. I sigh and slip on some shoes and grab a coat. I can't believe I was doing this but I kinda just wanna head what he has to say.

"Daddy, I'm going to the store for some chips and salsa! Want anything?" I ask, grabbing my keys.

"Rootbeer!" Daddy yells back, watching The Backyardigans with Ashton and Mitchell. I nod and close the door, walking in front of Daniel to the sidewalk.

"You coming?" I ask, looking back at him. He nods and jogs over to me. "Why didn't you just text?"

"I thought this was more of a face to face type of talk than a text talk." He admits, shoving his hands in his pockets. The cold brittle air nipped at my nose and ears as we walked down the sidewalk. "I wanted to apologize."

"What?" I ask, stopping in my tracks. Did I just hear him right?

"I wanted to say I'm sorry but I don't think sorry can even makeup for how I acted. I just... I thought that you lost a bet or felt bad for me. I didn't really think you liked me. I mean, I know we've worked on some labs and partner work in classes we've had together and talked somewhat a couple of times but I really didn't even think you knew who I was." He explains, looking at his shoes. His face was completely red but I couldn't tell if it was embarrassment or the cold.

"Why would you think that?" I asked him. I really didn't know how to feel.

"Because-because you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And when we did have conversations, I don't think I was really as smooth as I could've been. And I'm way out of your league." He says, shaking his head. I chuckle and smile at him.

"True, you aren't smooth at all. But, that doesn't mean I can't like you. I really enjoyed when we would talk or work together. I used to get butterflies in my tummy to be honest. Plus, it helps if I've been harbouring a crush since September." I admit to him, feeling my cheeks get warm with embarrassment. He looks up at me after I finish and furrows his eyebrows.

"A crush on me?" He asks me, astonished. I nod, feeling the rest of my face get hot as he smiles at me. "God, I feel even worse for what I said to you a few days ago."

"It's ok. Don't worry about it. I think we evened it out when my brother almost pummeled you." I tell him, feeling bad about what Mitch did. But after school that day, I made Mitch apologize to him. "But, I like you Daniel."

"Really?" He asks me, still shocked by my confession. I laugh as he scratches his head looking at me like I'm crazy. "Me?"

"Yes, dork." I mock him, shaking my head while chuckling. I take the opportunity to take his hand. I intertwine our fingers for another go at this hand holding thing. This time though he smiles and squeezes my hand in his for a second, assuring me it was ok. We head to the gas station and I pick up some chips and salsa for the game then we walk back to my house, hand in hand. We talked about our friends, school and he even told me to call him Danny instead of Daniel.

"So, do you wanna try out this date thing again?" I ask him, standing in the driveway. He nods and smiles at me as I smile back.

"Let's try dinner this time." He says, letting go of my hand. I nod as he digs into his pocket for his car keys.

"I'm really glad you came by, Danny." I tell him,looking at the ground. There was a bunch of leaves on the ground, the late fall wind whisking them around the ground. "I really like you." I mumble, kicking at some of the leaves.

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