Chapter Two - Carter

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Chapter Two – Carter

I woke up to something jumping on my stomach and screaming quite loudly. “Carter! Happy Birthday! Wake up!” I realized that something was my little sister Felicity. I groaned hoping she would stop jumping on what seemed to be my intestine.

I picked the three year old up high above my head and stuck my tongue out at her, she mirrored the image. “Well don’t you just look as pretty as a princess?” Her blonde hair that she got from our Mother was tangled and untamed. She was wearing one of Holly’s shirts that was covered in stains and desperately needed a good washing. Her face was covered in blue eye shadow and powder, lips smeared with bright red lipstick. Yet, with all that crap on her face she still looked adorable.

“Yes I do.” She replied quite plainly.

“Why don’t you go pay with your sisters?” I asked her. I really needed to get dressed so I could go see my crush, Fallon and also run away from my crazy a** girlfriend.

“Because Mommy said to get you up so you ca see your surprise!” I put her down and told her to run along while I got dressed.

I stood up and stretched, cracking my back. I went into the bathroom and saw my appearance. My black hair messy, just the way I like it, my emerald green eyes that I got from my sorry excuse of a father, my rather toned stomach with a visible six pack. I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and walked over towards my closet. I randomly picked out a white t-shirt, black jeans and a grey beanie. Too top it all off I put on black sneakers with red laces and headed downstairs. I walked towards the eight seat table where my five little sisters were already seated. Felicity; 3, Holly; 3, Belle; 4, and the oldest of the four Katheryn; 6. And Lottie my blood related sister, age fourteen. When my father left us my mother married her childhood best friend, Ethan. She became much happier, they even had four girls.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Katheryn started tugging on my leg begging me to come eat breakfast. ”Okay, Okay!” I put my hands up in surrender and walked over towards my chair and sat down.

The plates were piled high with waffles that had cherry, whipped cream, and chocolate chip smiley faces. I put one on my plate and started eating.

I looked up a while later and saw that Felicity was in the middle of emptying a can of whipped cream into her mouth. I took it from her small hands and put it out of reach. Her eyes were wide with sugar shock. She got up from her seat and ran around the table screaming the ABC’s. This happened quite often so no one took any notice to it. We kept on eating.

“Hey, Mom, Ethan, thanks for the surprise.” I said, it really was good. I wasn’t really expecting much more, with money being as tight as it was.

“Carter, that’s not your surprise Hun.” Mom said and Ethan tossed me a keychain with a car key, house key, and a key chain, and a key chain that said “keep calm and rock on.”

“Why are you giving me this?” I wondered aloud.

Lottie whispered to me “We got you a Jeep.” In my ear.

“Whoa! Seriously?!” I had never had a car before and I just got my driver’s license. I wonder how they could afford it.

“Wow you’re slow.” She said going back to her food.

“Not as slow as when you eat, or do your makeup, or ask Damien out.” I replied.

“Yeah, yeah we get it.”  I heard a chorus of “awws” and “ooh Lottie loves Damien” as the little ones taunted her.

“Well I have to go, Thank you guys so much.” I got bombarded with hugs from my sisters and Mother while Ethan stood to the side waiting for the ruckus to die down. When it did, he gave me a firm hug like every morning in the Lennox household.

After everyone else at down Ethan told me “I’m so proud of you son, you’ve come a long way.” It’s true I used to self-harm and hurt myself because of my father, but now I don’t have to worry about him. The thing that sickens me is that I look just like him. We have the same eyes, same hair, same nose, same lips, same skin color, he’s just an older version of me.

The only person that abuses me now is Charlene Winston my *i*c*y girlfriend who is nothing like the one I really like.

I’m not one of those bad boys she usually dates, that’s why she tries to change me. She can’t though, only Fallon could, if she’d ever talk to me.

I gave my family one last smile as I walked out the door and quickly got in my jeep, heading off to school. By the time I got through ten songs I was a t Bridgewater High. I parked in the school lot and headed towards the first building for biology.

I was close to the bus lot when I felt someone run straight into me, I guess that makes two of us who are complete daydreamers.

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” said a sweet honey-like voice. I looked down to see Fallon picking up my books.

“No sweat, it was my bad.” I said trying to act cool. My hands were sweaty and I was feeling dizzy, but I hoped I was doing okay. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and ran off.

I had to think of something to make her turn around, I mean I wanted to talk to her. “Hey, wait, thanks!” Of course I stumbled over my words and she ran off out of sight.

God I messed up! I ran a hand through my messy hair and walked off into the forest not caring where I was going. First period had already started and I was to mad at myself to go so I just sat by a tree and dozed off.

When I woke up I was tied to a pole my arms unable to move. I heard sniffling from a corner. “What’s going on, where are we, whom are you, what is this?” I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

I heard a maniac kind of laugh and a sharp pain in my back.                                                                      

Darkness had surrounded me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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