Chapter 1

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Delilah's Pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, reminding me that I had to start a new semester at a new school. We barely move so my parents made a huge deal about moving across the country. I wanted to go back to what I had left behind, the stray cat that would come around at night but leave when daylight came, all my friends who supported me through thick and thin, and Cameron. I longed to hear his voice, i longed for his touch and to smell his cologne and let it linger on my clothes around a tight hug. We knew we couldnt make our relationship last with me moving to a different state. I was used to seeing him at least a few times a day, now I have to get used to not seeing him ever. Yeah we could skype or something but we knew we wouldn't. I just secretly hoped he wouldn't move on because i knew I wouldn't.  

I groaned and dragged my feet over the bed, I hated it here. It was too cold, and too complicated. I grabbed my phone and started my getting ready playlist, yes i have one. I'm very anal when it comes to organization, i need everything done like it used to be done. I hate change. I hoped in the shower, half asleep, my eyelids drooping even when the water splattered across my face. I quickly washed up and dried up. I applied light makeup, hoping to make a good impression on everyone but not really caring because i knew no one could replace Cameron. He was my rock, he kept me sane and kept me from lashing out at everyone. I couldnt decide what to do with my hair so I just dutch braided it.  I pulled on the necessities, tugged a white undershirt onto my body, pulled my skinny jeans up and threw a sweater over my head. I pulled black combat boots over my feet, grabbed my bag with my phone and keys and walked out of my room.

"Good morning." My dad grumbled while pouring himself a cup of coffee. He was on my side when my mother said we were moving. He didn't want to go either but he knew we had to.  He could find work anywhere but she couldnt. 

"Morning." I responded quickly while grabbing a poptart container and rushing out the door. 

"Have a g-" My dad tried to say while i shut the door, ending his statement of concern. I haven't spoken to my mother since she said we were moving. I didn't have anything to say to her and I wanted to get out of that house before she came into the kitchen. I hopped into my chevrolet truck and started it. Thank God it started. You never know with this old beat up thing. I used my hand me down gps to find the school and parked. I hopped out of the car only to find dozens of pairs of eyes staring at me. Like I had just murdered someone. A girl about my age ran up to me quickly. 

"Hi, I'm Jessica. You must be new here." She had long blonde hair that was flowing down her back.  It made my long brown hair seem so boring. She was gorgeous. I envied her but I knew she was only trying to make a friend. "Oh and you just parked in.. Harry's spot" She said with a serious face, breaking me from my staring. 

"Harry?" I questioned.

"School badboy, player, dickhead, whatever you want to call him. I bet he's heard it all. But be careful, who knows what he will do when he found out you parked there." 

"Thanks for the tip Jessica." I said with a smile.

"Call me Jessie. And you are?"

"Delilah, call me Delilah I guess." No one has called me anything but Deliliah except for cameron, he called me Lilah. No one is allowed to call me Lilah here. I smiled at Jessie and walked away. This place was going to take some getting used to. I wasn't worried about this so called Harry boy. Every school has one of his kind, and all the girls swoon over him. But he's not even close to my type. He's far from it. 


Hey Guys, I'm Ally. Some might know me from my previous fanfic: Forever Yours. That fanfic was my first so it was very awful. I had serious writers block forever and it was depressing so I'm trying to start fresh. hopefully people will like this fanfic even though nothing has happened yet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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