Inspirational Quotes
#1 "Success is the sums of small efforts day in day out"
#2 "it's just a bad day, not a bad life."
#3 "he minute you think of giving up, think of the reason you held on so long!"
#4 "fall seven times, stand up eight."
#5 "you to accept yourself and realize you are beautiful"
#6 "beauty is so much more then what you see in the mirror looking back at you. So never forget that."
#7 "remember the most important person you need to please is yourself"
#8 "Ben though times are tough,just hang in there, I know you can get better."
#9 "calm down, everything will be okay. Okay?"
#10 "you are helpful, and you are loved and you are forgived and you are not alone." -John green
RandomHere are my favorite quotes of all kinds!!! I'm open to suggestions!!!