Maleeyah-Jewel Santiago and her twin Caileeyah-Gem are the only daughters of the biggest Cuban king pin in Miami. despite their father's hood ways the manage to stay straight but what will happen when bad boy Trevon 'Papi' Lopez moves into town?
Pretty sure Jewel already introduced me but just incase , hey I'm her twin Caileeyah-Gem, Cai or Gem for short . Don't worry I'm not as crazy as my sister and won't beat you up for calling me by my full name . I'm the calm twin the more down to earth one, jewel is the loud and the more dominant one . We're identical nobody can tell us apart , but enough about myself ,I don't want to sound conceited.... So me and my twin are walking down the halls on the first day of senior year and BOTH the girls and guys are breaking their necks. Maleeyah and I are bad af we know it , they know it so they can look all they want but we don't mess with any of them that's for sure. I continued to walk through the sea of faces and stopped by my assigned locker I exhaled deeply as I thought that this is my last year here with this locker.( I know I'm emotional for nothing)I sighed as put in my combination into my pink rhinestone encrusted pad lock 10 left 01 right 02 left and pull on the lock to pop it open . I look to my right and laugh at Jewel struggling with her lock she looks back at me annoyed "are you going to laugh at me or help me Cai" she practically screams in my face. She huffs yanking on her locker again. "Fine" I respond amused by the situation and go to her lock 10-01-01 I pop it open in three swift motions. "There you go dummy" I say dangling her purple rhinestone encrusted lock in her face from my index finger . "Thanks " jewel snaps snatching the lock out of my hand clearly annoyed that I got it to open on the first try . I turn my attention back to my books just as I hear her mumble "show off". I swear she's so extra . I place my cute new gucci white leather backpack neatly on the highest hook in my locker and look at my schedule to see what I need for 1st and second period. Math and gym , ugghh I hate sports . I grab a pen, pencil, my Victoria's Secret tote with my gym clothes in it my cucumber infused water and my babylips Chapstick . Slamming my locker door I turn Twords my sister , "Sissy do you gym first period" I whine to Jewel while poking out my bottom lip and scrunching up my face. "Yes I just hope today's easy since its the first....." She trailed off her sentence and looked behind me with a mean mug on her face . That's when it hit me the smell of Armani Code cologne, Terrell . I quickly turned around on my heels cross my arms over my chest and lock eyes with him. Jewel comes right to my side for support. "What do you want" she coldly barks at him. "For you to mind your business Maleeyah" he spits out matching her cold tone. "Oh shit" I whisper knowing Terrell just got her blood boiling , he does look really cute today though . His chocolate skin and tattoos ... "Get it together Cai you don't love these thotties" I mentally sold myself . "Cai-Cai , get your fucking sister off me" Terrell screams using his nickname for me and I'm brought out of my thoughts and back to reality to see Jewel on his back hitting him on his head with gym bag. I can't help but stand there and laugh at the scene before me "MY(hit)NAME(hit)IS(hit)JEWL(hit)" my twin annunciates each synchronizing each word with a whack on the head from her gym bag. She hops off like nothing happened adjusts her shorts links arms with me and pulls me down the hall . I shoot him a dirty look and wink over my shoulder before he huffs down the hall the opposite direction. You see I love Terrell I do but he just can't seem to remain faithful I forgave him time after time heart break after heart break hoe and hoe . Well you get the gist. I just need to leave well and well alone and focus on my studies .
Maleeyah-Jewel POV
Sorry but I had to beat his ass he isn't close enough to me to call me by my name . Anyways Cai and I just finished changing for gym and we're waiting for the class too begin . We decided to leave on our glasses to bring a little extra swag to our already cute outfits . I could tell she was a little down but I have a surprise for her after school so she'll forgive my out burst. The couch blew the whistle and we all made our way off the bleachers that's when I noticed that our girl Laylani was in our class too. "Lani" I called out . "Oh thank god my babies" she gasped putting her hand over her heart and making her way over to us. Now Lani is tall and thick in the right places every boy in school wants her but she tells everyone she's gay. Even us being her closest friends can't figure out the truth behind her **chuuuurp* (whistle blows) "all right now I've partnered you off into pairs one boy one girl in each pair go look on the wall for your partner he or she will be your partner all year now go check the list pair up and meet back in the middle of the gym for your exercise" **chuuuuurrp** . Moans complaints and the squeaking of sneakers on the gymnasium floor was all tha could be heard . "Ehem" some one cleared their throat behind me and tapped me on my shoulder . "Hi I'm Kamari your Maleeyah right" I turned to see the most gorgeous boy I had ever laid eyes on. All I could do was nod.... This is going to be an amazing year .
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(Their gym clothes ☝🏼️☝🏼)
To be continued sorry for the late upload and small chapters I promise at least three a week from now on 💙