10 Years Ago..

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Jade's POV

It was officially 10 years today. 10 years of struggling to live. 10 years of pain and torment. 10 years of having my life ripped and torn right through the middle. I'm done. My brother left and my dad was hammered with cancer. He didn't make it. I wish I was as happy at home as I am at school. I'm so different when I'm at school. I can actually smile. I was about to shut my eyes when someone places their head on my shoulder.

"Jackson!!! Get off me." I say adjusting to the light that shone through the classroom window gently pushing his head off my shoulder. He remains silent and relocates his head. Thank you.

"What?!?" I question him while snapping out of my thoughts. I really wish I could live a normal life.

"Help meee!!! Please!!!" he begs shoving his maths sheet towards my side of the desk. I glare at his sheet. It doesn't surprise me that his still on question 3. He is so lazy. I place one arm onto the edge of the desk and lean on the wall next to me.

"NO!! I'll explain how to do it but I'm not doing it for you. How are you even in the highest maths class yet so freaking lazy?" I say reading the question his indicating with his pen.

"I cheated my way up" he says making me laugh. "And I'm not lazy. I just didn't eat breakfast because I was gonna miss the bus."

"And whose fault is that?" I say smirking.

"Yours..." he says pushing the sheet even closer to me. He always makes me smile. Jackson and I have been best friends for at least 10 years, ever since my life became a torpedo. He was the only one who stayed by my side.

"Stoppp!" I say grabbing his attention by tapping my pen on his sheet. "Okay! So you need to figure out the y and x intercepts and then plot the dot points on it. After that you, you know it's an absolute value so you draw the v graph but then the question also asks you to find the domain and range. So do the first bit and then I'll explain the rest later... if you actually do your work." I say speaking really fast without realizing. He just stares at me.

"Jade, you have legit been my best friend for 10 years and I still don't understand a single word when you speak a million miles a second."

"Aghhh. Jackson, you're so annoying!!! I hope you know that!" I say pushing his sheet back onto his side of the desk.

"If I wasn't so annoying your life would be absolutely boring and you wouldn't have any friends." He says squinting his Chinese eyes. Once again he tries pushing his sheet towards me but I stop it. I punch him in the arm and explain to him again speaking extra slow.

"So you need to figure out the y and x intercepts and then plot them on the graph. You need to work out the other side of the function so technically you're splitting it in half and then after that you kno..." and there I go getting cut off by the bell. He looks at me and smiles being an idiot knowing he got saved. I smile back. Jackson is one of those people that always know how to make you smile and you can never stay mad. He has been my best friend since I was 7. My life has always been abrupt and he was the one to bring me back to reality. I giggle at the thought that our friendship has lasted forever but I mean when you have Jackson as a friend, its legit impossible to break the friendship. He packs up his stuff and I do the same.

"Jayyyy!!! You don't know how hungry I am!!" he says helping me pack my stuff up.

"Come on!! You're so slow."

"I'm coming. Be patient and I know you're starving because you didn't even have enough brains this morning to even attempt the 3rd question." I say walking out behind him. He looks back over his shoulder and pulls my arm through the crowded hallways of school. Jackson is one of the most popular kids in school and I can see why- his humour, personality and not to mention his looks but he will always only remain my best friend. I feel as if he protects me in every way, shape and form. For once I actually feel like I belong. My friends give me a sense of belonging. A sense of friendship. A sense of security and love. I belong.

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