Chapter 4 - Rejection.

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"How did you even make that turn!?"

A was battling furiously at his controller, his eyes darting up to the screen, and back to keeping track of the actual buttons. I thought is was hilarious to watch him struggle with such an easy game - then again, he'd thrown most of his life away by dedicating the last two years to his darling video games. The two close friends were rivaling on the edge of the bed, at a heated game of Mario Kart.

"Let's just say I play to win," I exclaimed, his face laced with a warm smile. He loved to tease A, they had always been best mates. He had almost crossed the finish line when...

"Well, I can't be bothered to play anymore."

"WELL TOO LATE FOR QUITTING NOW!" said I. With a huge thrash of the controller, he screamed, "GAME-ENDED ONCE AGAIN!" Despite I's enthusiasm, the thrill that A had felt during the game was clearly gone, and so I's grin washed away. "Look... I'm sorry about what happened, A. You wanna talk about it?"

A carelessly threw his controller at his feet. "I just don't know why I let her... Especially when I was with J..." He began to sniff under his breath, and I pulled himself closer to him. He hated seeing Alfie like that; it was like watching a puppy whimper, his heart couldn't take it.

"Don't feel bad. What else were you supposed to do?" I consoled, his arm slowly beginning to wrap around Alfie. He certainly wasn't good at this. But after all, this was what friends did... Right? They were just really close friends, A thought. He could notice the scent of fresh cologne that always clung to I. It was so welcoming, as I's body heat enveloped him in such a haze, that made him want to forget everything else...

"A?" He heard a gentle whisper in his ear. "I know this is quite soon... But I need to tell you before it's too late. I know you and J are a thing, but-"

All of a sudden, A's glasses began to steam up with embarrassment (as they frequently did). I looked slightly scared. This was beginning to get personal.

" Sh, A. I'm here for you, always here," Isaac said, as he slowly lifted A's hand enclosed in his. It felt so warm, so safe. A suddenly realized how I felt about him, and he forgot about J, about the girl, about the whole hot mess that happened before. For once, he may have found what he was looking for.

"Y-you really feel that way about me?" A's eyes met his, their beautiful shine catching him in the moment. They were a calm azure-blue, along with tiny specs of grey. Like the tranquil ocean, pulling A deeper and deeper into the crystal water.

  "Only if it's true you like anime, of course," he grinned - I's face was now beaming. "I've just wanted us, Alfie. I'm your Kousei."

A had no idea what the reference meant, but pretended like he did anyway.

"But I..." A mumbled, torn between the choices he had been given. "Y-you know I can't do this. Especially not now-"

"We can! We can, I promise you I'll treat you right." I had a worried look on his face, while Alfie began to look away.

"I just feel like... I need you to by my side right now. As a friend," he replied, inching away from the stunning moment that was about to unfold. He could have agreed, but I refused to go back to the godforsaken friend-zone.

"Please, Al!" I whined. "I just want to be with you, to be able to call you mine... To make this facebook official!" he cried, clasping A's hands tightly. He truly believed that A was the one for him; his hands trembled.

"If you were honest about your feelings for me, you'd respect my decision!" A cried, desperately trying to tell I that he couldn't leave everything behind. The boys knew how badly they both wanted the relationship, but fate would not allow it. "I might just leave now-"

"A give me a chance, I beg you!"

He tried to climb around I, tripping over some of the video games during his scramble.

"Think about the memes we could make!"

A paused and looked over his shoulder, trying to hide a grin at another funny reference, yet still angry at him for referencing at such a terrible time. He carried on making his way towards the bedroom door. All of a sudden, Isaac slipped off the edge of the bed, tackling A in the process.

"I, stop-"

The two boys were intertwined on the floor, I gazed down into A's 'dreamy' eyes. He let out a short gasp, his hot breath melting against Alfie's tingling skin. The pair of very confused friends were drifting away from reality, hidden away in their intimacy, their warm embrace...

"A!" A figure burst through the bedroom door as if the world depended on it. "I know we've been going through some rough stages but after my daily watch of anime I did some research and I know exactly how we can fix it to stay fully, 100 percent committed to one another-"

A's heart catapulted, splattering straight across the floor. His broken relationship was going to get a whole lot worse, as the two, once again, stared up at the figure by the door.

To see J dramatically faint on the spot. Again.

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