Chapter 17

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"It's time to begin. I'm Ibiki Morino, your proctor. And from this moment, your worst enemy. First, you candidates from the Village Hidden in the Sound, knock it off! Who told you you could fight? Do you want to fail before we've even started?" the man with the scars on his face yelled.

"Sorry, it's our first time. I guess we're a little jumpy...sir," the guy who tried attacking me apologized.

"Hm. I will say this once. There will be no combat between candidates. No attacking each other without the permission of your proctors. Even then, the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited. Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately. Understood?" he warned, making some of the shinobi gulp fearfully. In my case, I smirked. I was excited for this test.

"No fatal force? Well, that makes things less interesting," one of the Sound Shinobi, the one with hair that sticks up, smirked.

"Now, we will proceed to the first part of the Chunin Exams. Hand over your paperwork. When you do, you will get a number, which is where you will sit. We'll start the written test once everyone is seated," Ibiki instructed, making my eyes widen.

Written? Uh oh...

"Say what? Did he just say...written?" Naruto asked, making Sakura and Sasuke groan. "NOOO!!!!! No way!!! Not a written test!" Naruto yelled.

I put my hands together and looked into the sky. "Oh Kami...please, give Naruto wisdom as he is an idiot," I prayed, making Naruto gain an irk mark.

We passed up our forms and I was given the number 56. I sat in between that Ten Ten chick and some shinobi from the Hidden Rain. I didn't consider either of them to be smart, so I really didn't need them in this exam. I stared at Naruto who was a few rows in front of me. Sitting next to him was Hinata, and I smiled.

Oh're so oblivious. Please, get your sight off of Sakura and notice Hinata. She loves you...why can't you see that?

Ibiki started explaining the instructions. "Alright, Rule Number One; the written part of the exam is conducted on a point reduction system. Contrary to what some of you may be used to, you'll all begin with a perfect score of 10 points. One point will be deducted for every question you get wrong. So if you miss three, your final score will be seven. Rule number 2; teams will pass or fail based on the total scores of all three members," I Ibiki stated and gasps were heard throughout the room.

"What?? Wait a second! You're saying we all get scored as a team?!" Sakura yelled as I sighed at her reaction. Kakashi's words echoed in my mind. You're repeating me, Sakura. Maybe it's a condition?

"Silence!" Ibiki yelled at her. "I have my reasons, so shut up and listen. Rule number 3; the sentinels you see positioned around the room are there to watch you carefully for any signs of cheating. And for every incident they spot, they will subtract two points from the culprit's score. Be warned, their eyes are extremely sharp. And if they catch you five times, you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored. Anyone fool enough to be caught cheating by the sentinels doesn't deserve to be here."

"I've got my eye on you guys," Kotetsu smirked making me sweatdrop. I faced him and stuck my tongue out. His face paled slightly, but he regained his composure quickly by smirking.

"If you want to be considered Shinobi, then show us what exceptional shinobi you can be. One more thing. If any candidate should get a zero and fail the test...then the entire team fails," Ibiki continued with a dark look in his eyes. People around the room gasped, but I took deep breaths.

Hotaru, calm down...have faith in Tomoe and Jing. They're smart, and if anything, I can use my Hoshigan to communicate with them.

I opened my eyes and nodded, sure of myself. I was confident I would pass this test.

I am Strong (Sasuke x OC) ✔️ UchiHo Series (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now