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Five Years Ago

It wasn't always easy dating Laney in high school. She was beautiful and all the guys knew it. For the most part, I didn't have a problem because everyone knew who I was and she was mine.

I was the quarterback of the football team and I was spending my water break watching Laney in the stands. She always sat there and waited for me. Her parents had bought her a car when she turned sixteen but she barely used it. Usually, if she's going somewhere, I'm going, too, and we just take my truck. It's a piece of crap and barely runs most of the time but it's mine and she loves sitting close to me on the bench seat, my arm between her legs shifting gears. Honestly, I love it, too; having her smashed up to my side is a wonderful feeling. Sometimes, when we get an extra-long water break, I'll go up into the stands and hug her while I'm all sweaty. She pretends to hate it but I know she secretly loves it. Me all sweaty is one of her favorite things.

Today is different, though. For one, she's not looking back down at me and there's a guy sitting on the bench next to her—far too close for my liking. He doesn't look familiar so he must be new. I decide that even though this water break is a short one, I need to visit her in the stands. I walk up to her with a big smile on my face that she immediately returns when she sees me. Her eyes light up and she completely ignores the new guy who is still talking to her as I approach. I know right then and there I have nothing to worry about but new guy needs to know it, too. I give her a big hug and a sloppy kiss on her cheek. She really does hate those. My saliva all over her cheek grosses her out, but I love the cute little annoyed look she gets when I do it. I do it often, just for that look.

I turn to the guy who is shooting daggers my way and say, "Sup." I give him a head nod for good measure. He just shakes his head, glances at my biceps that you can't actually see from the shoulder pads of the uniform, and looks down at his papers on the bench. Territory marked.

Laney gives me hell on the way home about the pissing contest that wasn't actually necessary since the new guy bats for the other team. I didn't care, he's got a penis. He needed to know the boundaries. I really shouldn't have, but I told her that and she was pissed for a solid week.


Present day

Last night was strange and kind of pissed me off. All night I had to watch Miguel flirt with Laney as if she was another one of his bimbos. Well, until she got off at six, so really just two hours, but still. He thought there was something between us on Saturday, but apparently, he's forgotten about that. I didn't think he would be so into her if he still thought there was something there. Or maybe he's just trying to get a reaction out of me. Either way, he's a shithead.

They kept talking about the damn pool balls and sticks. It was a night filled with innuendos. The only good thing was he got Laney laughing and I've really missed her laugh. I would just watch her every time it happened, like the creeper I am. I know she could tell I was watching because of the anxious feelings she would put off every time she glanced my way but I couldn't help it. Her laugh is one of the most beautiful things I've heard or seen.

Miguel gave her a hug as we were leaving, and in my opinion, it lasted a tad too long. Laney really seems to have taken to him, but thank God I didn't get any heavy attraction vibes off her. She didn't acknowledge me all night and I felt like the third wheel, which sucked.

Today I have Business Law with her and I've been wandering around the building, waiting until I sensed her go into the classroom. She's fifteen minutes early just as I figured she would be. I wait a few minutes to make sure she's in the classroom before I make my move.

The Ascension of Laney: Chapters 1-5Where stories live. Discover now