I go through school every day hoping that for once the bullies will leave me alone
But they don't every day the bullying gets worse, verbal, cyber, than physical
They will call me names, beat me up, and push me down the stairs
What does the school do? Nothing, they say they will but nothing gets better
I go to them every day and they say "It will get better we promise"
And I believe them, but the next day it's the same thing,
I give up, people say "You are worth it." "Suicide isn't the answer"
But all I get is threats, all the time,
All my friends turned on me and started targeting me and blackmailing me
So when I get home I take out my blade and cut my arm, and cry,
The next day I start writing a note,
On the third day, I smoke a few packs of cigarettes to try and calm myself,
The fourth day is my last day, I get bullied then I go to the bridge over all the fast-moving traffic,
But someone comes there too,
An innocent boy around my age,
He looks at me and asks me why, and I answer, "I can't take it"
He answers why he is here, "I'm sick of the abuse."
Another person comes, we ask them why and they answer "I'm not safe being who I am anywhere."
We all sit together and cry,
Then we run off together,
We finally found each other, people who understand how we fell
We all try to stay as safe as possible together, but one by one, we can't
The boy jumped because his parents found him and beat him more.
The other person jumped because they couldn't take all of the horrible things people say and do,
I was alone again, sitting in my own thoughts, "They did it, so I should too."
"I miss them, they were my friends"
So I go back to the bridge,
The traffic was moving quickly, as it should, and I climb to the outside,
I close my eyes and see my life flash before my eyes before I fall.
I crash to the ground and cars went over me, others stopped and called 911,
The doctors came and took me away to the hospital, where they pronounced me dead,
The bullies finally got in trouble for what they did to me after I was gone,
When people say "It's gonna get better!" It doesn't always get better, take it from someone who knows.
Because today when someones upset, who knows where their mind will go.
My Poetry
PoetryJust a book of my poems I've written from 7th grade until now, edits do happen time to time for grammar errors