Chapter 2

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Amelia began to stir, slowly awakening from her dreamless sleep. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she took in her surroundings, before remembering she was not back at her flat but in the living room of her brothers instead. She yawned, covering her mouth as she sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, keeping it back from her face - minus the few strands that had escaped in the night. She then felt a pair of eyes on her as she turned her head in the direction of where she felt the presence.

"Finally. You're awake."

Amelia then realised it was in fact Sherlock who had been watching - or 'observing'. He then turned away, his eyes drifting back towards the kitchen as he held his hand in a prayer-like position under his chin. Amelia looked around, expecting her brother to be present somewhere.

"Where's John?" She inquired, removing the blanket that had kept her body warm through the night.

"Out, I assume." Sherlock plainly responded, his voice monotone.

"Right." She nodded once, taking once last glance at the man before standing and heading towards the kitchen. She decided to make herself a cup of tea, heading to the fridge to find some milk. However, she wasn't faced with milk...

"Why... are there fingers in the fridge..." She seemed to calmly ask, staring at the human body parts that were bagged up and stuffed in one of the inside draws.

"Obvious place to store them." Sherlock didn't move from his position. "The cold helps to keep them fresh. Where else was I meant to put them?" He asked, sounding slightly confused but more defensive.

"That's not quite the 'why' I meant..." Amelia slowly turned away from the fridge, shutting the door behind her. "I mean why are they even in there in the first place?"

"Experiments." Sherlock responded like it was the most obvious explanation.

"On human fingers...?"

Before Sherlok could reply, John appeared from the front door to the flat, looking back and forth between the two.

"Oh, so you found the fridge of body parts..." He awkwardly began, sending a nervous glance at his sister. "Sorry, was meant to warn you." He shook his head, sending a tired look in Sherlock's direction. "Tea?" John raised an eyebrow at Amelia.

"If that is fresh milk in that bag, then yes please." She answered, sitting down at the table in the kitchen.

"Sherlock?" John asked, offering his flatmate tea. However, he didn't quite get a response, just a grunt. "Would it kill you to say'yes please', just for once in your life?" No response. John sighed, shaking his head at his flatmate.

"So, John... You and Sherlock solve crimes?" Amelia asked, resting her hand under her chin. Her brother hadn't quite told her about that part of his life.

"Hmm?" He looked up, as he continued to make the tea. "Oh, yeah. Well, Sherlock solves them, I tag along." He answered nonchalantly.

"Oh, give yourself some credit." Amelia told him sincerely. "I found your blog last night."

"For god's sake." She heard Sherlock's voice mutter from the next room.

"Nice hat, by the way." She teased the man, who just pulled a face full of distaste.

"It's not even my hat." He insisted. "Why do people like it?" He asked, sounding genuinely confused at why anyone would like him in that hat, or the hat in general.

"Your life seems so adventurous." Amelia turned back to John, who handed her a cup of tea, which she smiled 'thanks' for.

"Er, that's one way to put it. I guess. Never bored." John confirmed, nodding slightly. "I mean, don't forget, it does involve a lot of dead bodies and morbid situations." He informed his sister, taking Sherlock his tea to him, who didn't even grunt in response as awknowledgement.

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