Short Stories

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A/N: these are stories for when i'm in that writer sorta mood mwahaha >:) so here we gooooooo be careful this one is really sad...


It's like a black hole. Pulling you in. You don't even see it coming. It just happens and then you're stuck there.


Slowly it eats you up inside, the worst part is that no one around you sees it. They think you're happy because you're smiling. They think you're in a good mood because you're laughing. They think your wrists aren't torn open because they can't see them.

Nowadays teens are getting more depressed and it's terrifying. For some people they cover it up so well. It's hard to look at someone and know they're depressed. It's not always that person who has tons of bracelets and wears a glum expression on their face.

It may be that person who has the loudest laugh and can easily cheer their friends up when they're hurting.

Ever think that that's the who person cries themselves to sleep at night, grasping tightly onto the pillow that's pushed into their face to muffle the sound?

Just because someone looks happy, it doesn't mean they are. Maybe at that moment they are, but when they get home, they break like glass.

So many people are hurting out there, and it's so hard to depict.

I wish I could hold onto every single person hurting and just hug them. Tell them it's going to be okay and that I'll always be there for them. But I can't.

Right now someone is crying so badly that their eyes are blood shot.

Right now someone is probably slicing into their skin with a sharp object.

Right now someone is faking a smile so well that even their closest friend can't tell they're crying on the inside.

Just don't assume that everybody is perfectly okay because they look like it on the outside.

Not everyone is how they seem to be.

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