Short Stories 2

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You were having a particularly bad day.

You had a terrible stomach ache causing you to not be able to finish a midterm, a headache from hitting your head so hard on a door, and you tried to stay away from your crush because you just wanted to end liking him. No hope left.

After school you immediately went home, and put in your headphones, finally causing you to relax a bit.

The song was Breakeven.

what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay... What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you... I'm falling to pieces...

Your heart couldn't take it anyone. It shattered. Between the stress of school, need to feel perfect and your friends arguing with you and each other; it finally broke.

This song reminded you of your ex and that was the very last person you wanted to think of.

You went to call your best friend, but reminded yourself she was mad you, this thought making more new born tears pour out of your eyes.

"Why me?" You whispered to yourself, even though it was barely audible.

This pain was killing you, every single thought in your brain hurt. They all screamed terrible things at you. Those thoughts of yours are really demons that haunt you all the time. Especially when you're alone, which you were.

All of your mistakes, people you miss, and everything that hurts floods your mind, causing you to have to constantly fake a smile just to forcefully continue on with the day.

That fake smile has grown into a routine. Tears were still streaming down your face.

"I can't do this anymore..." you whispered to yourself just like you had done many times before, "I'm done..."

You ran to your bathroom and grabbed the blades you had stuck behind the toilet, they were carefully hidden so you could only find them.

More tears starting pouring out of your eyes as you held the blade close to your wrist. As you were about to have bloody wrists, you heard the front door of your house swing open. Oh no.

The person who had just entered ran to the bathroom, somehow they knew what you'd be doing.

It was your best friend who you swore was pissed at you.

She ran up to you putting the blades away and back into their hiding spot while you just sat that crying your eyes out.

"Boo don't cry," she whispered holding you tightly, "things are gonna be tough, but that's how life is. Life is a really scary place, but you're meant to be here. A pretty face like yours deserves it. Yes I was mad at you, but I can't stay mad at you that long; I miss you too much. I promise you can make it through this without hurting yourself. Anytime you need me, you have me. I love you more than anything."

You smiled and didn't respond at first, the hug you gave her said it all. Actions speak louder than words.

"I love you too," you said quietly still sniffling up tears.

"Now let's go have some fun," she said pulling you up slowly, obviously knowing you're still hurting.

You hesitated at first, but gave in.

She picked out a cute, slightly revealing royal blue dress that made your eyes light up. After that was on, she carefully did your make up to perfection and curled your normally straight hair.

Next it was your turn to doll her up, you gave her a similarly styled dress, but it was red instead. Makeup then hair. Both of you looked stunning.

After taking a few mirror selfies, you both headed to a club near your place. It was a Friday so there was luckily no school the following day.

Strutting in like models, but not with that stupid walk they do, neither of you could hide your beautiful smiles.

Then, you saw him.

It was your crush, the guy who you were completely infiltrated with not too far ahead of you and your best friend.

She saw your gaze and followed it, "ohhhh, checking out your boy toy, eh?" she said as she playfully nudged you. Your cheeks turned so red that she couldn't help, but let out a laugh at you.

"Don't make me start with your love bug," you smirked. She then turned the same color as you.

"Exactly now shut up," you winked at her and she just laughed.

"OH MY GOD," you scream whispered and grabbed your friend, "he's here!"

Her eyes searched the room rapidly trying to find the guy she adored. Your crushes were here together with a few other guys from school.

Both of you were still in shock while walking to go find somewhere to sit. As you passed by them your heart began racing like crazy. Your crush punched you lightly in the arm as you walked by them like he always did in school. You stopped and back tracked.

"Now I wonder who just nudged my arm," you said giving him a look. He winked and you just walked away with your friend.

"GET IT IN," she said as you punched her, "WHAT!"

"He might hear, now stop."

"What if I want him to hear," she smirked, "I think he's gotta thing for you." You laughed at that remark.

"No one like him could ever like me. He's sweet. I'm bitter. He's charming. I'm awkward. He's perfect. I'm not. God, I love him."

"DUDE you're absurd. You're all of those things you said you're not, except you may be a bit awkward."



A/N: I'm going to continue this one next time so get ready. I'm not using names because I want it to be able to be about anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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