Demons and Dragons Part 1

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Demonsand Dragons

Thedemon traveled to the west to find the vortex where North meetsSouth. A thick piece of paper lay on its front to reveal the riddlethat formed icily within the center of the painted paper. Flakes ofpure white frost covered the corners of the paper as the lines ofpoetic verse moved up to uncover new clues. A hand, covered in iron,was clenched the paper while the demon's eyes burned with whitefire. The words and images moved to prevent memorization.

Thedemon was frustrated enough to scream! He shook with not only angerbut also fear. Only a fool would not be afraid on a night liketonight. The demon had things to do this night. He would betray aking this night. A king who not only ruled a nation but also createdone of the most powerful weapons in this universe or any other.

Thepaper and its' creator held secrets greedily to avoid the eyes ofanyone who sought them. An angel had made the papers up but now noone could decode them. They were rumored to be a gateway across timebut no one could decode even a portion of the secrets on the papersto be sure.

It wasa warm Friday in March when the second of the five pages would befound by a human – not an angel or a demon. The human girl had noidea that this day would be different than any other. She was unawarethat her life was about to change forever.


"Whatis this?" A short, dark-haired girl asked as she looked at herlocker partner inquisitively. She removed the brightly painted pieceof paper from the bottom of the locker.

"Howshould I know?" Asked the blond-haired girl that was now standing agood foot above the short girl. The blond shrugged and turned toleave, waving off the question as she walked through the hall. Theblond hurried to class but the dark-haired girl stayed where she was,studying the piece of paper.

Thesheet was decorated with pictures and beautiful calligraphy text.Both the images and the words began to move as the girl watched inwonder. Her eyes never left the page as her heart raced and herinterest peaked. A few of the diminishing number of students in thehall stopped to glance over the girl's shoulder but they quicklylost interest. The girl was left to herself to ponder this strangething happening before her.

Thegirl's mind was moving at a mile a minute when a flash caught hereye. Three girls ran from the gym and down the abandoned hall. Thedark-haired girl exchanged glances with the runners.

"Hurry,Sakura! You don't want to be marked late again," one of the girlsshouted over to the dark-haired girl, in a desperate attempt to warnSakura while running to her own class.

Sakuranodded but continued to stare at the pictures without moving as muchas a muscle. She really couldn't take her eyes off of it – Thepictures and the moving words were hypnotizing her. Both the wordsand the pictures seemed to move at an alarming rate.

"It'slike a story," Sakura whispered in a breathy voice as the wordscaught in the back of her throat – she was so excited! She wasabout to record the images with the camera on her lime green cellphone when the final bell for class chimed. Sakura jumped up and ranto her math class.

"Lateagain, Miss Pilletera? This is the second time this week." The tallmath teacher spoke in deep tones. The man's back was ridged and hischest was puffed. His overwhelming forbearance intimidated manystudents. Sakura was one of those intimidated students.

"Itwon't happen again, Mr. Gavvy."

"Besure that it doesn't," he ordered in his deep tone. "I wouldhate to send a student to detention for such a minor offense."

Sakuraquickly found her seat and took out her notebook. It seemed like aherculean task to ignore the phone. She could not afford to getdistracted in Gavvy's class.

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