Set Fire To The Rain: The Hunger Games (love story

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 i do not  the characters....except my characters of course...all rights reserved to susan collins.


Set Fire To The Rain: The Hunger Games


                                                                                                                             Reaping Day

I woke up from my dream; or should i say nightmare. It was the same dream i always younger sister being chosen as a Tribute. But she will wont be chosen its been her 2nd year and she hasnt been chosen. Im certain she wont be chosen and if she does ill step up. No one will take my baby sister from me not like how they did to my twin sister. She was forced into the games, we were only twelve at the time. As the eldest of the family we had no brothers or sisters to step up as a tribute. They took her from me; my own sister died on tv slowly and painfuly. They wont take my baby sister from me, not this time and not again.

Annlin Payker, thats my twin sister's name. ( first name pronounced: Ann-lin... last name pronounced: Pay-k-er) The name I will avenge against District 2, that stupid blonde boy killed her and I will get revenge against their District. My father died in a Minning explosion as well as many others here. My District is 12, the poorest district of them all and  living in the Seam makes things even worse.

"Roalin (pronounced: row-a-lin) get ready for the Reaping and help your sister get dressed,"my mother yells from the kitchen. "Ok."

I walk back to our little room, one bed is the only thing thats their. It use to be for Annlin and I. But after the games it only became a bed for Kolika (cole-i-ca) and me. I see Kolika on the bed staring at my sisters picture. She starts crying and i hug her as tight as i can. She probably thinks she might be picked like Annlin. I turn her around so she can face me. Tears are spilling from her eyes and her face look sorrowful.

"Look Kolika, your not going to get picked this year. You werent picked last year and you wont I promise." She sniffles on my shoulder and says,"How can you be so sure? Its the 'Effie Trinket' that decided everything. What if this year i might get picked?" I shake my head and hum a lullbay to calm her down.

"Your not going to get picked Kolika...even if it means my own death," i said loudly until i whispered the  last part.

"I love you Roalin." I smile at her and silently started to cry. "No dont cry you coward. Kolika is going to grow old and live a happy life even it means staying in our district. She's going to live and she wont be chosen," i reassure myself.

"I love you too. Ok lets get you ready."

"im already ready, im going to go play with Prim."

"Prim Everdeen?"

She nods,"Alright just be back before the Reaping you have 2 hours."

She kisses my cheek and runs off. I fix my hair and put on my mother's old Reaping dress. Its plain and simple not like the ones from District 1 or 2.  I brush my Brown hair and put my hair into a Crown Braid.

Set Fire To The Rain: The Hunger Games (love storyWhere stories live. Discover now