Chap 18

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Miela pov

Two days had passed and I was avoiding both Carlton and Kyle like the plague. I was doing it subtly but it was becoming more noticeable. I avoided Carlton because he could instantly tell that something happened to me and might immediately guess the answer and I was avoiding Kyle for two reasons: 1) because of the kiss- if I was to run into him, I would blush like an idiot and 2) because of my decision- if I was to look at him too long, I am sure that I would become even more saddened than I already was, having to leave him, when I just realized my love for him.

You see, it was two days ago that Carla called out to me.

I was sitting on my bed, about two hours after the kiss. All of a sudden, I heard Carla's voice. "Miela, I have a proposal to make to you. Meet me at the coffee shop in town in half an hour and make sure that you are not followed."

That was all she said. It sounded like a command. What kind of proposal is she making and why? Is this about the revenge thing? That seems like the only logical thing. Well... curiosity got the better of me so I prepared myself, getting ready to leave fifteen minutes later.

I made sure no one, especially Carl, didn't realise my leaving the territory, then I dashed down the road to the town, arriving in five minutes. Werecat speed came in handy. I made it to the town and casually walked into the coffee shop, ordering a coffee and samosa, then subtly looked around me. I saw her in the corner of the shop. I payed the money, grabbed the food and walked over to her table.

Carla had on a wig with a red blouse and a long pair of jeans with a tad layer of makeup. Of course, I recognised her features, but I also recognised her scent so I knew it was her. She had her eyes closed with the coffee cup to her lips.

"This coffee is good," she said opening her eyes and putting the cup on the table. I eyed her to get to the point. "Did you make sure that you weren't followed?"

"I did, plus, I ran all the way here so I couldn't have been followed," I replied. Carla looked around the store as I took a bite into my samosa.

"Right! As I told you before, I have a proposal for you, and if have guessed, it is concerning the pack you currently reside in." I nodded my head for her to go on. "I have realised that those human friends of yours, especially that girl, have a special effect on you of turning you against me."

My eyes narrowed as I put down the cup of coffee back onto the table. If she dared say anything about Mari-

"Cool down girl," Carla said, flipping me off as if I was a mere fly. "The proposal doesn't include the girl so stop glaring at me."

When I did not rest my glare, she carried on with a shrug. "This is my proposal," she started, turning dead serious. "Its either you join me for our revenge on the pack or you hand yourself over to me for your death."

My eyes widened at her proposal, the previous glare disappearing. It was as if the lightning bolt hit me. I was dumbstruck. I shook my head in disbelief. She must be joking. She has got to be joking. But the look on her face was anything but.

"C-Carla, you can't," I tried in vain to change her mind.

"I wasn't expecting that type of response," Carla said surprised. "Are you scared?"

I shook my head. "No it isn't that. Its just that I can't kill the pack. I love each and every member of that pack and I have also fallen... in love... with Kyle and I realised that I need him, that I can't live without him," I told her sadly, a tear escaping down my face.

"I expected as much. You falling in love with that pathetic werewolf."

"He's not pathetic," I hissed, rising from my chair, sending it scraping back on the tiles. My little tantrum gained us some spectators and I became embarrassed and sat back down, with my eyes on the table. "He's my mate, not yours. I don't know what became of yours or if you even found him but," I growled looking up at her with my werecat eyes. She wasn't even fazed by this. "I'm not going to let you take him away from me."

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