> Games <

142 13 2

Games will be judged by: SilverMoon1507


- Do you have a sweet Warrior Cat related game? You can enter it in this Watty! The most popular, most organized, most fun game will win! It can be original, or a popular game like Name That Apprentice!

Games are pretty self explanatory. They're games that involve Warrior Cats. They can either be original or you could've taken the idea from someone, it won't affect anything. However, you must give credit to the original creator of the game. If you don't know just simply say it wasn't an original idea. Don't take credit for someone else's original game otherwise you'll be disqualified.

You can create the rules however you want. Don't forget to to add that you're entering in the game category, even though it's pretty obvious.

Here is the rubric. The judge can decide how much each thing will count, but this is just the basics. If you'd like more information contact the judge.

- Neatness
- Fun (Do people like it; is it a good game?)
- Creativity (Overall, is it creative, is each round original/different?)
-  Appropriateness (Are most chapters related to the game?)
- Popularity (Do people play it?)

Games must have at least three rounds in order to qualify for the award

Warriors: Watty Awards 2017Where stories live. Discover now