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[ VE TIPS : tutorial ]
{ REMINDER : please do not steal anything I make and claim them as your own, that is all that I ask in return. If I want credit for anything I had made such as colorings, overlays, etc, I will tell you. Failure to complete those actions will result in me fighting you and advise not to do that. }
for mac users, getting final cut pro is as easy as toasting bread. trust me, I could probably do this blindfolded if I really wanted to.
i. Go to the final cut pro website.
LINK : http://www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/
ii. Select the "free trial" option up in the right hand corner.
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iii. enter your name and other info and then press download free trial.
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iv. your download should begin and after it is done downloading, open the software. It will tell you that you have 30 days left for a free trial, which at first you might be like "aw only 30 days" but there is a virus free loophole.
v. After you run out of your 30 days, go to your system preferences and select "date and time".
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vi. Change your date back to when you had FCP for free, and then open FCP and it should work as if it was still that day you had it. Repeat this for every time you go to open FCP and it works 100% of the time. This is what I do.
okay so since I don't have a windows, I obviously can't explain this in a whole lot of detail. however, I did find a very positive video on youtube that gave me the link below which includes step by step instructions on how to get FCP, so hopefully that works for you guys.
I am however warning you now that I will NOT take blame for giving you a virus on windows if it happens; like I said, I don't have windows and can't see if it will give you guys a virus, so I am sorry. If it works for you, please comment and let other windows users know; help one another out.
LINK : http://www.finalcutproforwindows.com
okay so that's it for this chapter, please let me know if it works for you and if you have any questions; i'll be happy to answer if I can! Like I said, I'm sort of new to this whole video editing thing so it'll be a new experience for all of us.
also, I will not send the links via PM or anything like that; they're simple links to type in/find on google, so use the fingers you were born with and type (;