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Brooklyn Darwin was used to the chilled air as she walked to her shared car with her husband, her bags and a wicker basket tucked under her arm, filled to the brim with fresh fruits and vegetables. The cool ocean spray stirred her hair as she smiled, the street lights flickering on one by one. Her heeled feet follows the same trek in the rough concrete, the hem of her dress blowing in the wind. She had just turned nineteen, but she felt as if she were a child or even a young teenager. She twisted the key into the trunk, easing her groceries into the trunk before she shut it with a quiet thump. She walked to the driver's side to awaken the dormant car, placing the keys in the ignition. The radio stirred with the song, Splish Splash by Bobby Darin. She laughed as she shut the door, looking for her husband to walk out of the farmer's market building when a strong force pushed her down to the concrete. She yelped, her hands scrapping and splitting the skin. She hissed, the inside of palms cut and filled with gravel and dirt.

She raised her head, looking at the broken heels of her shoes, her hands pulling them off. She smeared a bit a blood on her ankles as she attempted to stand when she saw the wicked blonde in front of her. It was his red eyes that caused her to scream. She scrambled quickly to her feet and ran towards the building, hoping her husband would hear her pleas for help. But the strange man grabbed her by her waist and whispered sinisterly in her ear. "I suggest you hush, dearest before I snap your pretty little neck."

Brooklyn tried to fight back, thrusting her arm backward but if felt as if she had shoved her elbow into a brick wall. She howled, the sensation of fire attacking her elbow. Her arm fell limply to her side. The creature laughed at her, just as her husband walked from the market.

Nicholas's dark green eyes filled with worry and self-loathing upon seeing his wife in the arms of a man he could sense wasn't human. "Brooklyn!"

The vampire leaned his head down, sniffing the side of Brooklyn's neck. Before Brooklyn could realize what was happening, he sank his teeth into her neck, causing her to scream as he let a minuscule amount of venom to enter her bloodstream. "If you want to save her, I suggest you do as I say."

Nicholas took careful strides to the man in front of him. "As long as she's safe."

The vampire nodded, opening the car door and laying Brooklyn in the backseat as she writhed in overwhelming agony. Nicholas slipped into the driver's seat, glancing back at the love of his life before the vampire gracefully sat in the passenger seat.

How could he have been so idiotic to send Brooklyn out by herself?

This was my fault, Nicholas concluded. It was only right he did everything in his power to save his wife.

"My name is John." The vampire spoke in a lavish accent, foreign due to the heavy weight he put on his pronunciation of s.

"What do you want?" Nicholas asked, eyes slanted as he began to drive down the street.

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