Main character:
Austin, Venessa, Mother, Therapist & Mr.Hunter
Venessa was an average 16-year-old teenager and her (Guy) Best Friend was Austin a 17-year-old. But Austin had something to hide from Venessa.
Venessa is ready for school and thought was an average day of school as she called "boredom" but little did she knew today will change everything for the people she cared about. Venessa starts to walk to school and as usual Austin tags along.
"Hey" - Austin
"I'm still wondering how you always walk with me at any random time like this" - Venessa
"It's just a habit I guess" - Austin (In a mystery voice)
"Ok... Then" (awkward silence) "So... what do you think is gonna happen today?" - Venessa
"....Something big is gonna happen that is gonna change everything" - Austin
"What do you mean by that Austin??" - Venessa
"You'll see" - Austin
Before Venessa got to say anything else they were at school. They came right on time because the first bell rang. (RING....) They go there different way's but they only have 2 classes and lunch together. Well as always Venessa was bored in her classes mostly because she doesn't have anyone to talk to. The teacher Mr.Hunter always tried his best to make the lesson fun in some type of way.
"Goodmorning Class!!!" - Mr.Hunter
(Awkward silence) Nobody really likes saying anything mostly because it was the morning and everyone is sleepy. The class goes by so fast and Venessa thinks there is something wrong today.

The One You Thought About - 1
Mystery / ThrillerIn which a guy loses his girl best friend in a mysterious way.