Start Of Something New

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Season- Mid-Winter
Month- February


Ever since we had Jason, our life was turned upside down. Francessca lives in New York with her new husband James, Jackie moved to the Dominican Republic, and Rebecca just dissapeared. Jada, Christina, Jason, and I stayed where we were.

Jada and I are currently sitting on the couch, watching Christina play with Jason.

Jason is our 2 year old son. Let me tell you, he is a trip. He started talking when he was 10 months, and will talk back to you all the time. His favorite word is "Shh."

Jada rested her head on my shoulder and smiled. I looked down at her and smiled too.

"What?" I asked her.

"Do you ever just look at our kids, or reflect on your life, and just think about what would've happened if we never met?"

"Sometimes. Not as often as I used too though. Why?"

"Just curious."

Jada reached for her phone, and turned it on. She took a picture of Christina and Jason playing together.

"Hey guys? Who wants to take a nap?" I asked.

"Naps are for little ki-"

"Shh!!" Jason said, cutting Christina off.

"Dont shush me you little-"

"Christina. Don't." Jada warned.

"Guys, come on. Christina, you dont have to sleep, but you do have to go in your room. Jason needs a nap though."

"No nap!!!" Jason yelled.

Christina looked at Jason and back at me and sighed.

"Fine." She said.

Jada picked Jason up off of the floor, and I followed Christina, and Jada upstairs. Jada went to Jasons room to put him in his bed, Christina went in her room.

I went into our room, and sat on the bed, grabbing my laptop. Not long after, Jada came in, and sat next to me. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"Awe babe, look!! The Notebook is on!!"  Jada said, smiling.

"I'm guessing you wanna watch it?" I asked.


"Then go ahead."

Jada sucked her teeth at me.

"I want you to watch it with me." She said.

I closed my lap top, and placed it on the nightstand.


I kissed her cheek, and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Note Of Chapter-

Why, hello there. 😊 Well, this the first chapter of You're Mine. I want to remind everyone that this is the LAST book of The You're mine series. I'm so glad you all enjoyed You're Mine and You're Mine 2. Hopefully, you all enjoy You're Mine 3. Thank you all for the continous support.❤


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