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Angel Raziel handed her the golden band. "When she matures, she must know." The woman nodded.

"This is all I will do for you. A blessing, and a curse. You will die after her birth. You are no longer just Emma Pangborn, you are the mother of the first Hollowchild, " he said.

"I understand," the worn woman said, slipping the gold bracelet in the collection of the soon-to-be-born's belongings.

The archangel left, leaving Emma pregnant with the sacred child. What is the baby?

Since she was a Shadowhunter, she was half human and half Angel. But Raziel gave himself up as pure angel blood, she would be more angel than human.

She felt a kick in her stomach. Only her love for her child was keeping her alive. The Heavenly Fire will consume her after the birth. She only had a couple days left.


Magnus opened the door, and was knocked over by the bulging woman rushing in.

"Help me," she whispered, her words drifting off. "I'm going to die after the birth, and I was told I could trust you."

"Tessa, Raphael, get up and help me!" Magnus yelled to his friends. Together they carried the woman into a spare bedroom.

Emma explained all, and there was no time left. "Save my daughter, Katherine Nicole Hollowchild."

Tessa Gray helped deliver the thriving baby. She handed to a silent Raphael, who hadn't been trusted with children since he turned into a vampire. He had grown to care for the woman, who always trusted him. he looked back to the baby girl, with her brown hair fuzz, pale lips, and white eyes-"WHAT THE-", Rafael cursed, but getting cut off my the baby's screams.

All three of the Downworlders (Magnus and Tessa were warlocks, and Raphael, the vampire) looked at the baby. Her wide eyes flashed- gold, green, red, orange,blue, purple- all the colors in the world, but then settled to a brown, murky color.

Emma, the dead mother, whispered, "Lex malla lex nulla." Raphael spun around and went to the dying woman. "A bad law is no law," he translated. The baby was illegal, he realized. The mother's last words meant 'screw what the Clave thinks.'

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