What Happened?

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I kneel on the cold wet ground crying as I watch the house I lived my entire life in getting burned to the ground, with my parents and my brother trapped inside. All I could hear is the sound of the heavy rain hitting the sidewalk. I stay there unable to do anything as the sound of the sirens grow louder and louder by the second. They tried to extinguish the fire out but it was too late, everything was gone. Everyone was dead.

"Excuse me," I hear one of the firefighters say. I looked up from my tear-stained hands, everything looked blurry. After I wiped my eyes I saw a female standing in front of me. She was wearing a firefighter's uniform with the words "Unit E37." She looked gentle, a round face with light blue eyes and blonde hair matted down onto her face from the rain. She was pretty. "Do you know the owners of this house?" she asked. I just looked at her not able to say anything, tears filling my eyes once again.

"M-my p-p-parents lived t-there I wa-was living h-here. T-they were tr-trapped in th-th-there." I respond barely able to construct a proper sentence.

"I'm so sorry to hear." she said as she paused for a moment, "While we were searching for anything that survived we found this," she said pulling out a black robe with light blue lining from inside her jacket "It's the only thing that survived." It was the robe my mother always wore no matter the occasion, the two seemed inseparable. She handed me the ash covered robe and started to cry into it muttering "Mom why did you have to leave me? Why?" just loud enough so only I could hear.

I couldn't stay there any longer, not there, not while my parents lay dead in the house I called home just a few hours ago. I don't care where I go I start running, the rain cooling down my hot body, the robe getting ruined as it dragged in the mud behind me. As I run the small trees quickly turn into thick giants, they start surrounding me not even light is able to get through the dense forest. I sit down, on a freezing cold rock. I pick up the robe from behind me, dusting it off, brushing off most of the ash and mud. I touch the necklace my father gave to me six years ago. After I catch my breath I start running again, shivering. Stepping over rocks, jumping over roots. A thick root catches me by surprise, I tumble, falling off a cliff landing on my back in cold water. Everything goes black.

I wake up in a hospital, an I.V. attached to my arm. My boyfriend laying down with his head on my bed, asleep as always. I nudge his arm, "Hey, Chris, wake up."

"Hey," he says drowsily, "I thought you would be out at least for a couple more days."

"How long was I out?"

"A day, or two." Chris answers, "You should still rest"

"I'm fine," I assure him trying to sit up, pain shooting through my body as I try to sit up. He tries to help but fails miserably "I don't need your help." I snap at him

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to help," he says a little taken back from my comment. I eventually get myself up, with a little help from the side of the bed. I walk over to the mirror on the side of the room, I look helpless, a cut going along my dark skin across my check, hair in a mess, my hazel eyes filled with fear. Chris walks up behind me, his blonde hair is in a worse condition than mine. He towers over me like a skyscraper does to a regular building, me being 5'6" and him being 6'1". "You really should be resting" he tries to convince me to sit down.

"And you shouldn't be telling me what to do." I snap at him, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what's happening to me."

"It's ok," he says, I can see hurt in his light blue eyes "you just need to rest." I finally agree to sit down.


I know it's short, but oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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