Sirius James Remus Black

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Chapter 1

"We are gathered here today for death of Mrs. Emily Black....." I zoned out after that. My name is Sirius James Remus Black ,I'm a girl not a guy named after my dad sucks.Just call me Siri or if your my friend Paws because I'm an animagus of a black Dog. I'm 12. Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm an exact copy of my dad,black curly hair,grey silver like eyes, I just look more femine. I'm on the short side like my mom, probably the only thing I get from her. I like to prank ALOT, don't care about studying but get the best grades in my year,and spend more of my time in detention than sleeping. I just finished my second year at Alma Aleron. I was sorted into Zombie House(best house if you ask me), where all the people like to pull pranks and have a good laugh. I play keeper in both Clutchcudgel and Quidditch,best my head of house says he seen in years.

I have a brother named Lysander(ly for short),he's 11 turning 12 on July 20. He looks nothing like me more like my mom,brown hair,blue eyes and tall ,I think he gets that from my dad.he just finished he first year and he's in Bigfoot house, that's where all they people who are quiet,loyal,brave,nice,and a bunch of other stuff. He doesn't get in trouble much, likes to read,study a lot and gets good grades,quiet at first,but after you get to know him he's nothing like that. We are both purebloods but we aren't like pureblood freaks.We have 2 uncles live,both my mom's half brothers,Remus Lupin on her dad's side and Severus Snape on her mom's side.

That's everything,so back to the present,my mom died of cancer yesterday and we're at her funeral. I look to my left to see tears rolling down my brothers cheeks, and mine. We are in the back, because we don't want to get noticed. "And now,words from her brother Remus Lupin." The guy said. A shabby looking man walked up and you could tell he's been crying,"My sister was a very loyal and brave woman. It never mattered to her who you were and where you came from,she'd help you out with anything , and you don't find that a lot anymore. May she rest in peace." That's my godfather/ uncle,my brother and I are going to live with him now ,and go to the school there Hogwarts.

I looked at all the people in the room, a man with greasy black hair and a long nose, my uncle Severus,Uncle Remus (or Moony), a tall (maybe half giant ) with a shaggy beard that I think my mom used to tell me stories of him, I think his name is Hagrid? A tall old looking man with twinkly blue eyes,and a long white beard,and so many others. I wish my neighbor,mr.O'Niell,was here. He died a couple years back and left me all his fourtune,which by the way is a lot,as in the biggest vault in the American wizarding bank,he used to be the only person to talk to when I was little and lived alone last of his family ,forced to be the family heir of his pureblood craze family.

People started to get up,to leave or to see my mom one more time."C'mon sis,lets see mom one last time" he said sniffling. "I want to be the last one". He gave me a nod and we waited. I saw Uncle Moony go in and a lot of other people, finally we went in. We went in a room and there was mom's coffin." Hey mom." We said standing by her. " I'll miss you,but I know your in a better place." Ly said." We'll do you proud mom but not in the behaving way, miss you." I said. We both said bye and went out, we got a lot of 'I'm sorrys' and they got a lot of ' it wasn't your faults'. When most people were gone,I went outside for some fresh air. There was only Uncle Monny and Uncle Severus,the half giant, whit beard guy,and a old lady with her hair in a tight bun,and a two red headed people I think they are a couple,and Uncle sev.

"Paws,come inside they want to talk to you" Ly said. I walked with him inside,and they all stared at me." Hello,my name is Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts" " Hello sir." I said shaking his hand, he looked kind. "This is Minerva Mcgonagall,deputy headmistress,your future Transfiguration, and head of Griffindor house" I greeted her,and she also looked kind,but stern." Well, we must be off,important business to attend to." They apparated to Merlin knows where. That left the half giant, my uncles,and the redheaded couple.

"Hello. My,my, look at how much you've grown! But,you do look like you could use a good meal. I'm Molly and this is Arthur, but you use to call us Aunt and Uncle,render sweetie?" "Yes, I do. It'll be nice to get to know you guys more." "Hopefully, you look like you'll get along just fine with our kids." Arthur said. "Well, we must get going if we stay to long the twins will surely burn the place down." He said with a laugh. "Yes, your right if George and Fred did anything-" and like that the disappeared. They seemed cheerful, can't wait to meet these so called 'twins'." Hello." I said looking up at the half giant."'ello there,my name is Hagrid,game keeper at hogwarts, you could always come to my hut to talk always welcome, or if you like your father and his friends hiding from Filch" he said with a chuckle looking at Moony. He left too." Well,I need to get going important business,farewell".and with a nod he was gone.

"Let's get going?"he asked." Hold my arms now" we held on and then, We started to feel that horrible,thing called side along apparition. We ended up in front of my house,it's a 2 story house. We went inside to get packing,so we could leave." Hey Ly,can I use your wand for a sec to pack?" "Yeah, only if u do it for me." "K" You see,I broke my wand on the last day of school it sucks it really does. I'm an elemental,so I don't have the trace on me. I took his wand and did the packing spell non verbally. It took me longer than usual but I managed, and soon I did it to Ly's room. "We're done." I called. "That fast?" "I'm elemental." Now, we apparated again to this small cottage in London, it was nice place.

It had four bedrooms and two bathrooms. We unpacked and I stayed in my room laying down on the bed. I heard a knock on my door."Come in." It was Uncle Moony. Well at least he knows privacy. "Um, I wanted to say that in two weeks I'm going to be out of the house because of my 'condition' so you two will have to be staying at Severus's house." "Ok" " We'll dinner is ready." We went down stairs and ate,it was quiet really because we didn't know what to say to each other. "So,how's was your guys school year?" "It was cool." "Oh yeah when you made the whole werewolf houses hair and body and robes black and yellow that was super funny." "So you like to prank?" Uncle said smiling."Best prankster ever." "Just like your father." And that's how most of the summer went with me ,Ly and Uncle moony telling stories (mostly me and Uncle moony) of pranks and him telling me about the Marauders and the Marauders map. At Uncle Sev's it was mostly quiet. And now, tomorrow was the we go to Diagon Alley to get school supplies and for me, a new wand ! And Uncle Moony going to teach at Hogwarts as defense against the dark arts !

Authors note: hey everything you recognize from the books belong to j.k rowling and the American school belongs g.norman lippert but I will mix things up a bit and please comment review and vote!

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