Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Today we are going to Diagon Alley! I woke up,got dressed,ate breakfast,and now were here. It's amazing! We went inside the bank and got enough money and started shopping. Ly and I went into Madame Malkin's first. " hello!" Said a woman cheerfully."Are you here for Hogwarts?" "Yes." "Wait, I'm almost done here." She said. There was a boy he looked my age,with platnuim blonde hair, grey eyes and a pointed face. He's robes were green which means he must be in Slytherin.

He was with his mom she looked and said, "you are?" "Myna,e is Sirius Black,and this my brother,Lysander Black." I said bravely. " Bloodstatus?" "Purebloods." "Well we'll, my cousin Sirius married a pureblood that's a surprise. I'm his cousin Narcissa Malfoy and this is my son Draco Malfoy." "Pleasure meeting you." At least she didn't mention him being in Azkaban. "I haven't seen you to around school." Draco said. " We're new here from the states." "Well, I hope at least one of you will carry on the Black family tradition." His mom said. I wonder what's that mean. " Goodbye hope to see you again in the same house." Draco said him and his mom said walking out. Soon we were done with the robes, all black of course since we aren't in a house yet.

We went outside and found that Uncle Moony had got all of our books and potion things and Astronomy things too. "All that's left is your wand Paws." He said,I told him of me being an animagus, so that he wouldn't be lonely. "We will wait outside."they said. I walked into a old looking store called Ollivanders. "Hello" I called out. From the back of the store came an old man. "Hello, what is your name?" "Sirius Black." I stated. "Ah,Emily lupin and Sirius Black's daughter, a little late aren't you? Well never mind there is always a wand for you." He said searching through the boxes. " Hmm... Maybe your like your mother. Ten inches,oak,unicorn string." He said handing me a wand that was like brown, I waved it and the windows broke." It's alright,maybe your like your father or one of your uncles. The first one is Olive wood,pheniox feather,11 inches,like your father. The second one like Severus is 13 inches, dragon heartstring,elk. The third one like Remus is maple,pheniox feather,13 and half inches."

I tried all three and none worked,soon wwe went through most of the wands and nothing worked,I was starting to think there wasn't one for me." Hmmmm.... I wonder.Could it be possible?" He handed me a box with a dark brownish black coloured wand it looked really nice,the seconded I touched it,i felt a tingling feeling. "This is the one " I stated."That's a very powerful wand Ms. black. It's the Elder wand,Dumbledore gave it to me saying he liked his first one. The core is mixed with all three mediocre: dragon heart string,Pheniox feather,and Unicorn string. Also it is made of elk wood and 13 inches long. People might try to steal it or kill you for it. You will do amazing things whichever side you. Let us hope it will be the good side." With that I payed him and left.

"You took forever." Ly said. "Well what type is it?" I showed them it and they both gasped. "Is that the Elder wand?" Uncle Moony asked. I nodded. I saw Aunt Molly and a boy around my age walking to the store. "Hi Aunt Molly!" "Hello dearies. Ron here was just going to get his wand." She said giving us a hug." Then to the animal shop for his rat,he's going to go to his third year like you Siri!" "How about you wait for him since your both in the Same year and then met us up in Diagon Alley" "ok." So there i was waiting for Ron he came out after about 10 minutes.

"Look my wand is 14 inches,willow,and unicorn tail hair. What about yours?" I showed him mine and he almost fainted. "Is that- " " yes it is." "So what's your name seeing as you know mine?" "Sirius Black." His eyes went wide,usual reaction. "Is he your dad?" He said pointing to the picture on the wall. I nodded. Two people walked up to us right then,a girl with bush brown hair,and a boy with unruly jet black hair and bright greens eyes, Harry Potter.

"Hey Ron did you see the new Firebolt ? Oh! Hi I'm Harry Potter and this is Hermione Granger." He said extending his hand."Sirius Black." They both gasped. "Yes he's my father if that's was your question. And no I don't plan on killing more than a dozen of people." I said smirking. "Oh, well are you going to the Owl Empirioum?" " yes." We headed there. I wonder what should I get. "Know any good choices?" I asked them. "Well,it depends if you want to send messages, then you'd want to buy an owl,but I'm buying a cat,but I wouldn't recommend a toad." We went inside the shop,all around us were cat ,wired looking rats and owls in all shapes and sizes.

I went looking around the owl part of the shop,Harry came with me. "I haven't seen you around school?" "I moved here in the beginning of summer from America." "Oh,that would explain the accent." "Do you know what house you want to be? I'm in Griffindor." He said proudly. "Umm,no. My parents were in Griffindor,and so was one of my uncles,and my other two uncles were in Slytherin,and dads whole family was in Slytherin. Would you hate me if I was in Slytherin." "You seem nice,I probably wouldn't." He said smiling. I looked through all of the owls until I found a black one with big grey eyes like storm clouds. I payed for that owl. "I have a snowy owl named hedwig. What you gonna name it?" He asked. "Regulus. Reggie for short." Hermione got a kneazle cat ,that Ron hates.

"Guys head back if you want,I'm need to buy something." They nodded and were to the Leaky Cauldron. I went into the joke shop. I needed new pranking materials. Inside there were two boys most likely twins,and they looked like Weasleys. I searched and bought,fireworks,colourchanging potions to put in shampoos and food all I had to do was wave my wand and say what colours I wanted it to be,and many more. While I was searching I bumped into one of the boys. "Oops I'm sorry." I said " No it's okay. I'm Fred and that's George Weasley. You could tell the difference,because I'm the better looking twin."he said grinning. "Please,you wish brother. What's your name?" "Sirius Black." "Your his daughter aren't you? I'm sorry about your mom,my mom was at the funeral." They said."It's okay I should really get going its lunch time." "Yeah" Fred said. "Us"George said. "Too"they both finished. "My uncle Moony is waiting for me." "Your uncle is moony as in Moony on the Marauders Map?" "Yep." "We owe the Marauders for all the secret passageway in the castle." While we walked into the pub we shared stories of pranks.

We ate and and then my family had to go home. Now all I have to do is wait for September the first.

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