Finding us

201 11 7

Shikamaru pov

We were still running in the direction I said that we should go in sooner or later we going to have to stop because we need to rest as set up camp.

When we we're going to stop and rest we saw a small cottage I wonder if anyone live there maybe they could give us food.

"Neji"I said
"Yes I see it to let me take a look first" he said I nodded

Neji's pov

"BYAKUGAN" I said while looking into the house I saw a women but she was old and something seemed off about her I couldn't tell what it was but if we were going to go check her out we have to be cautious of her.

I looked at shikamaru he looked back at me then I said "we just have to be cautious "he nodded afterwards we went to the house.

3rd pov

Once they had reached the house they knocked on the door and once the door had open there was an old lady she smiled at them and welcome them in.

They agreed to come in then the old lady showed them where the kitchen was so they can sit down "are you hungry "she had asked "no were not but can we get some water "neji said she nodded at him and went to get them so water.

When she came back with the water and gave them the water after that she sat down and looked at them "you two aren't here because your lost right " they both had looked at her and nodded.

"We came here to ask you some questions" shikamaru asked she looked at him "I already know what your here for " both boys looked at her confused " I can see the future "the old lady said

Both guys looked shocked "so that's why when I did the byakugan you looked different " neji said and she nodded "so you know the question that we were going to ask you " shikamaru said "yes,you want to know where temari and tenten are right"? The boys nodded "right well they were here-" she got cut off when both boys said "where!" "If you let me finish I'll tell you who they went with " "they went with someone "they both said again

"Yes now let me finish,they were here, they were lost and didn't want to be taken back to where ever they came from anyways people came they were both confused to as to who they were but when I told them it was there parents they both were very sad and understood why they left them and then they left to a small village not not far from here"the old lady said

The boys understood but they didn't get one thing who where there parents "so who are there parents exactly "neji said "oh that,well temari's parents are the 4th kazekage and his wife while tenten's parents are from the leaf they were the 4 hokage and his wife"the old lady said with smile knowing what was going to happen next.

The boys eyes widen knowing those were there best friend since they were children and crushes they both immediately got up from the table and bowed at the old lady "Arigatōgozaimashita (thank you) for everything but we really must be going "shikamaru and neji said she just smiled and nodded.

Once they were out of the house neji did the byakugan to see if they were near a village luckily he saw that there was a small village around "the village is over there "neji said while pointing straight ahead shikamaru nodded and with that they left.

Once neji and shikamaru got there the sun was setting for the day and there were a few people out.

Of course both of them didn't know where to start so they neji being neji he did the byakugan and looked around and not much people had chakra so he gussed they just came here to rest but then there was one chakra that had caught his eye in was in a medium house and it had 6 chakras coming for it and neji had guessed that they were there. 

"There over there "neji said to shikamaru while pointing to the right.

When they got to the house shikamaru knocked on the door a women that looked like in her mid 30's or something like that.

"Hi um were looking for 2 girls one had 4 ponytails and the other with two buns on her head "shikamaru said

She looked at them then her eyes widen "neji,shikamaru what are you doing here" she said neji and shikamaru looked at the women very closely then there eyes widen they both gave her a hug then neji said
"We just want to talk to them"
"Oh okay"she said and let them in

Once they were in side they looked around tenten's mom guided them to the kitchen where they guess that's where the girls were.

You see neji tenten's shikamaru and temari's parents all know each other they treat each other like family.

When they entered the kitchen the boys looked around the dads were talking to each other and temari's mom was talking to the girls.

Everyone looked at the door where neji and shikamaru had stopped when they saw temari and tenten.

Tenten and Temari weren't expecting to see them so they just stared at them, yes they see each other but they didn't know who they were before, but now they know and they didn't know what to say to them.

(/•~•)/ (/•~•)/ (/•~•)/


so yeah that happened sorry that I didn't update sooner but oh well I did now so yay anyways still thinking what should happen.

And if you guys are wondering what happened to garra he just went to tusnade to see I what she found out and stuff and yeah.






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