3. Sixty Seconds

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"Sixty seconds apart." Sebastian spoke from behind the three of us. Sherlock turned on his heel to look at the awful man.

"Show me the CCTV film." he ordered in a baritone voice. Sebastian ushered him over to a computer and input a few messages, ultimately bringing up the camera view of the room we were in. He pressed a button to show a time stamp on a photo taken before the break in, and then pushed another button to show a time stamp only a minute later, but this one was full of graffiti.

"So someone came up here in the middle of the night, splashed paint around, and left within a minute." Sebastian assumed.

"How many ways into that office?" Sherlock questioned.

"Well that is where this gets really interesting." Sebastian smirked, taking us back to the front desk and pulling out a map of the building. "Every door that opens gets locked right out here." Sebastian stated, showing us the large room called the Trading floor. "Every walk-in cupboard, every toilet." he sighed.

"You're saying that door didn't get opened last night?" I raised a brow with curiosity. So, we had an intruder who could walk through walls. Was that even possible?

"There is a hole in our security. Find it and we will pay you, five figures." Sebastian announced. My eyes darted up to John's and we both supressed a smile. We really could use that money to pay off our overdue bills. "This is an advance." he stated, taking an envelope out of his pocket and holding it out for Sherlock to take.

The detective mearly glared down at it. "I don't need an incentive." he grumbled, brushing past all of us and into a new hallway. Sebastian, dumbfounded, looked around at John and I.

"He's kidding you, obviously." John nodded with nervous laughter, staring down at the envelope. "Shall I look after that for him?" John held out his hand. Hesitantly, Sebastian passed it over. "Thanks." my brother nodded, and then grabbed my arm so he could drag me into any direction.

John and I stood off to the side, waiting for Sherlock to finish looking for clues. I leaned my back against the wall and let out a tired sigh. How I wished to get changed into some cleaner clothing. My clothes didn't look all that dirty, but I hated having to wear them for two days. "So, what was all that about?" John looked over at me, his brows knit together.

"What was what about?" I asked, holding my hands together and meeting my brothers eyes with my own. The creases in his face deepened and he narrowed his eyes as he crossed his arms.

"You know what. When you interrupted Sebastian to defend Sherlock... Why? He hasn't been anything but rude to you." John shrugged.

I sighed and raked a hand through ny dark brown hair. "I know what it is like, to be called a freak. It doesn't feel good. It actually hurts quite a lot. No matter how much anyone tries to hide it, it still is painful to hear somebody say that about you... I guess I sort of felt pity." I shrugged, crossing my arms across my chest.

"You don't need to feel pity for Sherlock Holmes. He's practically a robot." John smirked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Well... I trust him. He can be an arse, but he hasn't given me a reason not to trust him. Besides, if you think he is a great man, then he must be." I smiled over at my brother, giving his shoulder a shove. John chuckled beside me and shook his head. Just like old times.

"You're a sap." John scoffed at me.

"Am not." I defended with a smirk.

"Yes you are. Don't even try to argue." he said, pointing a finger at me. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

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