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Areum's P.O.V

"I bet today Mr. Kim wanted us to produce another music." I said to Momo as we walked to the music room

"Arghh. Pity my brain." she groaned

I enter the music class , there is a few student . I walked towards my usual seat and sit on the chair . I pulled out my phone and played it while waited for the teacher come in . As I scroll down my instagram 

"Hye sweetie." I know this voice 'When can I get a peace?' I sigh . I ignored him and continue play with my phone

"Awhh. You always do this to me. It's hurts." he whinned 

"Don't disturb me Jeon Wonwoo. Before I kick your ass , better you sit at your place." i said looking at my phone

"Erm.. So fierce. I like it~" he said 

I raised my head , wanting to looked at him but stopped when I saw Mark enter the class . 'He took music??' i lifted my brow . When our eyes met , I looked at Wonwoo and glare at him


"Ok guys! Like usual , I have a new project. You guys must already know it. Yes. Produce new song. I wanted it done in the end of this month. Work in pair , who's group the best I will treat you lunch." all of the student cheered and clapped as Mr. Kim finished speak

"I will pass the list to Areum , you can checked it here who is your partner." he said as he pass me the list

I looked at the list and find my name . Last few months , I ended paired with that jerk , Wonwoo . It's like living in hell you know?? He is so clingy and followed me everywhere I go . His reason is I am his partner . Gosh . 

My eyes widened when saw my partner's name 'Mark Tuan' 'Shit. Why must he? Why must boy??' i sigh . I pass the list to the others

"Hii." I raised my head , lifting my brow

"I guess we are partner." he smile

"U-uh y-yeah.." I  awkwardly smile 'Be profesional Areum.' 

"You can write  a lyrics?" i asked

"Kind of." he shrugged

"Ok.. So you write the lyrics and I'll do the rest." I give him a small smile . He nodded and then I walked away



I walked to the cafeteria alone , I don't know where Momo is . I line up , it was so crowd in the here . It's my turn , I take the foods . I was about to walked away but then someone bump their shoulder to mine , make my foods dropped to the floor

"Opss... Sorry I guess?" I turned around , 'Wendy' 

'That bitch' everyone know who she is . How her attituide 

"Whatever.." i sigh

"Awh.. Look at here. Areum such a innocent girl." 

"What do you wanted Wendy??" 

"I wanted you to get away from Wonwoo. Because he is mine." she lifted her brow

"Urghh. Take him if you wanted. I don't care. Don't disturb me." I said as I turned around , wanted to walked away but she speak again

"Such a b*tch. Don't you statisfied been f*cked by your ex?? And now you stole Wonwoo from me??" she scoffed

I clenched my fist , feeling anger build inside me . I turned to her

"What did you say??? Did you wanted a piece of mind???" I glare at her 

"Like I scared~" she said in a tone

I was about to go to her but someone stop me . I looked at my right , he grab my wrist

"Stop it Areum. Let her be." he said

"Let me go." i said

"Oppa~ She wanted to hit me." she whinned to Wonwoo

"You are the one start it first." he said

"Oppa! Why you must be at her side?!" she shout . Everyone turned to looked at us 

"Sorry. But I don't like a b*tch like you." my eyes widened hearing his words

He release my hand and walked towards Wendy 

"Don't you ever near or touch Areum again." 

Wonwoo step back again , Wendy clenched her teeth 

"I hate you!!" and that she ran away .

He turned to looked at me 

"Are you ok??" he asked

"I can take care of myself." I said then walked away

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