I looked at the rock in my trembling hands, shocked at what I had done'.
"ughh I hate this stupid job!" I say while preparing tax returns.
My name is Hazel Parker, I just moved to Nevada City, it has a population of 3,100 people. A few weeks ago, I was able to get a job as an accountant. I thought moving to this city would make me feel safer, but I was wrong. I still feel like someone is following my every move, ready to jump at me for what I had done, or maybe i'm just being paranoid.
The only places I go to are the grocery store, work and at home. I'm worried to go anywhere else.
"Hazel, are you finished with those tax returns?" Avery asked, making me snap out of my daydream. Avery's one of my friends at work, maybe my only friend.
"Oh, i'm almost finish. Are we still on for tonight." I'm 100% positive I know what she's gonna say. She's so caught up with work, that she forgets she has anything else to do.
"Umm, I don't know Haz I thing I might stay at work and double check the returns" I was right, she always puts me off for another time, but not today.
"Nope! I don't want to hear it, you're coming and that's the end of this discussion!" I say with a smirk knowing she can't back down this time.
"Fine i'll go" she rolls her eyes and walk back to her desk.
I'm trying to stop being so paranoid and go out, have some fun and enjoy life, maybe it might help Ave too! 'killing two birds with one stone'.I hurry up the work so we could get off early and finally have some fun!
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"Can I have two more shots please!" Ave actually showed up, and is getting quite wasted. I'm currently trying to loosen up a bit and stop being so uptight.
"He is soooo c-cuteee!!!" Ave slurs, pointing at a poster of a man. "I sho-uld gooo tt-alk to h-himm!"
"Okkk looks like someone is pretty wasted and having a good time!"
"Yessss, I'm hav-having a greatttt t-time!!" I can't help but laugh at how crazy her hair looks.
She hops-off the stool and heads over to the karaoke machine. I'm looking forward to hearing a disaster.
"Say some-thing i'm gi-giving up on youuuu!!!" I was right, it is a disaster. The people at the bar are to drunk to notice how horrible the singing is.
"SAY SOME-THING!!!!!!!" Finally it's over, i quickly drag her off stage so she doesn't sing another depressing song and get all emotional on me.
"We'll have two more shot, then you and I are going home ok?!"
" NOOOO!! I don''t w-anna go, I wa-wanna stayy!" She sounds like a 5 year old right now.
I finally got her out of the bar and into a cab.
"$50 to get her home safely!" I say with my most intimidating face. I was gonna say 'I will find you, and I will kill you' but it would just make the situation funny and he wouldn't take me seriously, not that he is at the moment.
"I LO-LOVEE YOUUUU!!!" Ave says with bloodshot eyes. She had wayy to much to drink.
"i lo-love y-ou tooo!" I say playfully as I close the car door.
The cab drives off with Ave trying to make a heart shape with her hands.
I was now on my way home, wobbling slightly as I walked. The bar wasn't so far from my home, so I decided to walk, I could do with the fresh air anyways.
I'm happy that I was able to go out today and have a good time with Ave.
"I think I could do this. I think I could move on!" I said lowly to myself.
"Do what?" I stopped in my tracks. A familiar, cold, husky voice said to me.
I slowly looked up to a face that I wish I could on-see, memories of that afternoon rushed through my head. I feel so lightheaded, I could throw up right now.
"Hello Hazel, nice seeing you here."
There's no way out now. How did he even find me!?
I just stand there frozen.
I know what he's here for......
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HI GUYS, so this is the first chapter of My Revenged Past HOW WAS IT??!!!
I tried to make it as long as I possibly can so I hope you enjoyed it!!! ; )

My Revenged Past
Mystery / ThrillerWe all do things that we regret, sometimes we are able to change it, but for me, it could never be changed. My past is no longer in the past, it's the beginning of my future and I have to run away from it because if I stop, it will haunt me for the...