Chapter 5 || EDITED

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"You're beautiful when you're being serious"


"Its fine, Nae Min-ah" The Eight Prince smiled at her attitude, personality and manners. Nae Min bowed at them as a sign of respect, as she proceeds in entering the room and gently placing the tray in front of the Tenth Prince; Wang Eun and gives him a soft smile that makes the male in the room to be mesmerized in the beauty in front of them.

"Your Highness, if you'll excuse me, I need to help Hae Soo and Lady Myung Hee and aid them." as she bows to him, and stood straight and gives him a smile.

"Why not? Go now and you are excused, we cannot afford of having Hae Soo in her tantrums." a tinkling sound produced from her as she laughs softly.

"Indeed, Your Highness. Well then, please do excuse me." she bows once again and completely retreated from the room of the royalties and quickly turn to a corner to help Hae Soo and Lady Myung Hee.

The others just stared at her retreating figure, Wang Wook just smiled at her kindness as he sit properly and eat the food they have served for them.

"So, she's the one you have rescued, am I right?" Asked by Wang Won, as he slowly drinks his tea.

"Yes, we found her in the forest and she's with Hae Soo that time. Body that full of bruises and minor wounds, also she has a sprained ankle that time." As he frown at the memory, for spending some time with Nae Min. Wang Wook treated her with utmost care, like a sister. He may not express it through words, but he expresses it through minimal actions.

He just sighed and continues chatting with his siblings, cherishing their times together, along with his brother Wang So.


The sound of a plate being broken resonates the kitchen. Servants are fussing around in panic as they don't know what to do, as the sound of broken plate catches the attention of their Princes and Princess. The royal siblings started to make their way towards the noise which is located in the kitchen. Hwangbo Yeon-hwa, the Princess and the Eighth Prince younger sister, stared or more like glare at the servant who broke the tea sets that she request specifically to her father; The King of Goryeo. She took intimidating steps towards the servant, the Princes just stared at her advancing figure.

"You! How dare you broke the tea sets, that I requested from The King?!" she seems in enrage about the incident that happened.

"Lady Yeon-Hwa, I-i... I didn't mean it, all of us here in the kitchen are busy to tend you and your siblings." The servant bowed her head shamelessly as she looked at the ground and asking for forgiveness. Wang Wook just looked at the servant with sympathy, knowing the attitude of her sister is quite hard to handle at the first place.

"Didn't mean?! Lowly servants like you should be punished! You wouldn't understand the meaning of expensive things seeing that you're illiterate!" Yeon-Hwa slowly raised her right hand to strike the poor servant when a blur of black and red as well a hint of gold passed them; The Princes and suddenly stood in front of the servant as she received the slap right through her right cheek, that supposed to be received by the servant. Wide eyes stared at the situation that beholds them, as they looked at the girl who bravely received the punishment for the servant, red hue slowly formed at her right cheek as she stared emotionless to Hwangbo Yeon-Hwa.

Suddenly hurried footsteps can be heard outside as Hae Soo gasped seeing her friend standing in front of The Princess Yeon-Hwa as a noticeable red hue mark adorned her right cheek. Myung Hee just observed the situation but she feel angry that Yeon-Hwa just slapped the girl that currently staying and living with them.

"Nae Min!" Hae Soo blurted her name loudly as the Princes braked out from their shocked as they observe Nae Min's current situation. The Fourth Prince Wang So, suddenly cannot deciphered the feelings that slowly forming inside him, as he witnessed the "harsh" punishment, that "bestowed" upon Nae Min, which she clearly don't deserved.

"Why do you do such things, Lady Yeon-Hwa? It is not proper to punish your servants that are working under this household for small matters." she glared at Yeon-Hwa, seeing her bold statement and behavior, Wang So suppressed a chuckle when he saw Yeon-Hwa's expression.

"Small things?! You called these tea sets as small things?! Ha! As expected to a runt like you, you do not know the meaning of something expensive and valuable. And-" was cut off when Nae Min's glare intensified at the insults of Yeon-Hwa.

"Expensive? Valuable? With the utmost respect, Lady Yeon-Hwa, the meaning of valuable is where you get and received things in a subtle and unforgettable way or event. Valuing things doesn't revolve in expensive material things. Sometimes, valuing memories and moments is the most effective one. You're just having these tea sets as a display." her statement made the spectators be stunned as the Princess Yeon-Hwa is speechless. Myung Hee and Hae Soo feel an amount of pride seeing her standing bravely and talking back to Yeon-Hwa.

Wang So just chuckled the scene and observing Nae Min in a meticulous way, memorizing the details, her facial expression, her body language and all about her. Yeon-Hwa gritted her teeth in rage as she raised her right hand once again, but now with the intention of striking Nae-Min. When suddenly a hand warped around her wrist stopping her, Wang So looked at Yeon-Hwa with a very serious expression as he tightened his hold.

"Please do stop yourself in harming her. After all, she's mine." after he finished the shocking deceleration, he grabbed Nae Min's arm gently as they fled outside, away from everyone. The spectators, especially the Princes, Myung Hee, Hae Soo and Yeon-Hwa were absolutely speechless.


Wang So, continued his stride away from everyone else and Nae Min just stared at him, wondering. Why did he help her, and stop Yeon-Hwa in hurting her. She just smiled as she watched him dragging her gently and thought that he was not that bad. While Wang So, he thought that, she looks so beautiful when she's so serious.



I am so SORRY! For the very late update! Please do understand my situation I admit that I am currently being Semi-Hiatus. All of you, know that WRITER'S BLOCK is the number ONE! ENEMY of the WRITERS. Adding that multiple projects and the final exam are approaching. I'll try my best to update. Thank you for the support and enjoy reading!


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