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To my first love

It was enjoyable. We laughed, we pondered, and it was something. You helped me and guided me in taking my first steps into becoming the man that I am today. I am happy and thankful to have met you in my life.

Thank you.

I remembered the first I met her. It was at a small lunch party hosted by her grandma and let me tell you that lunch party was full of old people.

I was sixteen back then. I had no idea what to do in those desperate times. Talking to old people was awkward as hell. But then her grandma kinda saved me. She told me to go check out the guest room, I was allowed to hang there and watch some TV while the party was still commencing. And so I did.

I was caught off guard, when I entered that room. I didn't expect anyone to be there, but there she was lounging on the bed watching a noon time talk show. An awkward silence swept the room as locked into each other's gazes.

Not knowing what to do, I just said, "Hi" and quietly sat on the floor at the end of the bed.

She suddenly shifted her position on the bed making it so that her face was now close to mine. I was a nervous wreck, honestly at that time I hadn't had a single clue to how flirt nor interact correctly with the opposite sex.

Anyway I introduce myself first. "Hi, I'm Isiah."

-Accompanied with a nervous smile, she smiled back and told me her name was Caryl.

Carly, had long black hair with a hint of brown highlights, which was a bit wavy near the end. Eyes that were full of innocence, black like the depths of the ocean and I found myself being pulled in without a struggle and only complete surrender. Lips like a freshly picked cherry, red and sweet. And she looked... the only words I found myself to utter is... beautiful.

After the awkward introduction, we kinda hit it off, we talk about a lot of stuff, from the programs she watched to the video games that I played. We talked about where she was from and what year she was in; if I remember correctly, I was just a year ahead of her. Actually remembering this stuff I realized Caryl and I never had anything in common but we felt comfortable with each other.

We talked about a lot of stuff and were caught a bit off guard when her grandma entered the room and told me to stay for dinner. We drifted into our own little world that the two of us hadn't noticed that the party had already ended hours ago. We just stared and smiled at each other after that.

As the night ended it was time for us two to say goodbye, but good thing for me, I didn't forget to ask for her phone number and obviously I got it. As the weeks passed by we grew closer to each other, seems like every waking moment we got the chance to be together we took it. Getting to her wasn't easy at the time. I didn't know yet how to drive so I always had to take the public transpo and she was like six or seven cities away from me.

We were so young back then we were always cautious when moving a bit forward. We weren't so sure of what we had but what we had were something that both of us were satisfied.


So... should we get back to the story? Or... are you guys just going to look at me weirdly all the way through?

So back to where we left off how we meet up and stuff, we went to the beach once it was fun. We weren't alone; of course, as it was a family trip and I was given permission to tag along.

We sat on the beach and talked, we talked about what comes next. I told her that I'm going to enter college and plan on getting a culinary degree. She told me if I could wait for year, maybe we could be together at the same college.

We held hands beneath the sand and I softly uttered "I love you." She smiled and told me she loves me too. I laughed and, she gave me a confused look.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"I don't know..." I said. "I really don't know, but at this moment, I feel satisfied... Happy..."

As I got up she came close to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I only stared at her, all surprised, -and my face... God... even Da Vinci couldn't even paint my face if he tried. After that she just gave me a sly smile and told me that the two of us should head back.

Sadly, this is where the story ends. Summer had to die to make way for autumn, and all I got was a message saying she'd be going back home in a couple of days. We never got the chance to meet up again, nor get the chance for me to say goodbye.

She told me that she wasn't sure if the long distance relationship would work between us. At first I fought in believing if we gave it a chance it would work... It could work if we tried, but slowly I accepted the fact. We still kept in touch with each other at that time, but the messages came less in less and none at all.

The hardest part was every time I visited her grandma, she would always update me on what Caryl was doing. Her grandma had no idea that we ended things a long time ago, her grandma was really supportive. I didn't have the heart to tell her that there were no more us. Every time she would update me about her, it stung. It was painful.

My only regret is that I never got the chance to say goodbye in person.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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