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Right now I'm sitting in an meeting with the governor of Hawaii. More specifically governor Denning. "Do you understand what it is that you're going to be doing for me, Ms. Moore?" He asked me, bringing me back to reality. "Yes, sir, I do." "You know how to be secretive?" I nod my head as he continues, "It's important that you do not tell anyone about what you're really doing there, okay?" "Yes, sir. I understand what I am going to do. And am I reporting back to you?" "Yes, you are. Every two days I want an full status rapport on McGarrett and his team." Nodding my head I asked, "What's my cover gonna be? I mean they aren't going to open up to an lawyer." Nodding, he pulled out some papers and a badge and a gun. "I understand that you were in the police academy but never really finished? Well as of this moment-" He said as he wrote something on the papers, most likely his signature. "You're a cop in the state of Hawaii and you just joined Five-O, congratulations. Give McGarrett this if he gives you any problem." He said and gave me a paper. "Yes,sir." I sad as I took the gun and put the badge on the waist band of my pants. "You can go now, Ms. Moore." He said and I walked out of the door.
Me and the rest of the team were standing around the computer as Kono briefed us on our latest case. I heard someone's footsteps and I turned around, as did the others, to be met by a woman. She looked like she was my age, she was quite tall and she had orange hair and green eyes. "Can I help you?" I asked, thinking she was something like a lawyer or so. "Steve McGarrett?" She asked, complete ignoring me. "Could we talked in private?" She asked looking straight at him. "Yeah sure, this way." He said walking toward his office. I wondered who she was.
"So, who are you?" I asked her as I  closed the door. I looked at the girl and to be honest, she was quite beautiful. Her orange hair made it look like it was a fire at her head and it made he green eyes stick out. "Olivia Moore." She said and pulled out a paper. "I'm also joining your team, governors order." I read the paper and sighed, frustrated I asked, "Why didn't he tell me? This is my team, not his." She just shrugged her shoulders. "Follow me." I said and walked out of the office with her behind me.
"Guys, this is Olivia Moore and she is joining the team."

Hello! I finally wrote the first chapter done and after months of thinking if I'm gonna post this or not I decided that I will! I'm gonna try to update this book regularly if you like it! I got this idea from Koolkels2015 and I think that you should check her profile out! I also wanted to thank her for planting a little seed in my mind that then bloomed to this idea. It would mean a lot to me if you would comment if you like this chapter and think that I should continue or if I shouldn't continue. Thank you all! Bye!🥀

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