Chapter 1 - New Friend

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     I stepped into the school building, seeing the sea of students around me. I continued to walk, not really paying attention to my surroundings. I went to my locker and put my things inside. I headed towards my first class and sat at a desk near the very back. I decided to read a book while I waited for a class to begin. My name is Katrina Foxx, and this is the story of my life as a socially-awkward. I was still reading my book when I heard a cheery voice to my right. "Hi!" I looked to the source of the voice to see a pink-haired girl with a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. "I am Vitalia Tsekanhonovsky, but you can call me just Vitalia! What is your name?" She sounded like she had a heavy Russian accent. "I'm Katrina Foxx, but you can call me Katie if you like." I told her. "Katie, like Kitty! Kitty Fox!" She said with a smile. "I am  new here at American school. Could you be my friend?" She asked. She was new, and I didn't want to be mean, so I decided to that it wouldn't hurt to make a friend. "Sure, why not." I said, making her smile grow bigger. Vitalia hugged me tightly, and I obviously wasn't ready for something like that. "Now I have American friend! Yay!" Vitalia exclaimed ecstatically. "Since you are my friend now, I will call you Kitty Fox!" She said, letting go of me. I go back to reading my book. Actually, I tried to, but people were already coming in and sitting down, as class was already starting. Guess I didn't hear the bell. "Alright class, my name is Ms. Peach and I will be teaching you history." It was the teacher, apparently. She began talking about the school year, the curriculum, stuff like that. I went back to reading my book. "Psst, Kitty." Vitalia whispered to me. I glanced over at her to see her looking behind us. "What are they doing?" She asked. I looked behind me to see two boys passing notes. "They're just passing notes." I said and brought my attention back to my book. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Vitalia watching the boys behind us. I hear Vitalia whisper something in what I presume was Russian.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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