Chapter 21

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The ragtag threesome rode into the small town of Alpine at dusk the next day.  They had decided to take their chances with the sheriff, hoping he wouldn’t be anyone they had ever come across.  And they were all so road dusty and saddle soar they didn't really care.  But to their surprise, as they rode through town, they discovered that Alpine had no sheriff.  There was a sheriff’s office with a one cell jail, but the sheriff had died last year and the town had not bothered to hire a new one.  They all breathed heavy sighs of relief as they rode through the dusty streets toward the only hotel in town.  They would wait until they got to Red Rock to inform the sheriff of all that had happened.

The sinking sun was the cue for the local ladies of the evening to come out onto the balcony of the rooms they inhabited above the only saloon in town, which was across the street from the hotel.  A town as small and remote as Alpine, rarely had strangers visiting, especially two young handsome men like the ones who just rode in with a girl.  Sally and Lucy watched as the three rode wearily into town and towards the hotel.  “Howdy, boys,”  they called to the two strangers as they waved their feather boas and batted their painted eyes.

Evangeline eyed the two painted ladies with the skimpy clothing with reproach.  Were they speaking to Joshua and Thaddeus?

The boys dismounted and Heyes came to help Evie from Jenny’s back.  When she was safely on the ground his hands lingered at her waistline a moment and he flashed his beautiful dimples down at her.

“Hey blondie,  if you’ve got the money honey, I’ve got the time.  Why don’t you come up and see me?”   the dark haired Lucy crooned.  Kid just smiled and waved.

“You, too, Dimples,”  called the blond haired Sally.

“Is she talking to you?”  Evie inquired, a little miffed.

“Don’t pay any attention.  They always do that when it starts getting dark.”

“Hey, Dimples,”  Sally called out again, “you ever feel like trading in that raggedy little thing for a real woman, you let me know, you hear.”

“She’s talking about me, isn’t she?”  Evangeline glanced down at her disheveled, dirty self.  No wonder she'd called her raggedy.  But they didn't know her or what she had been through.  It made her angry.  And how dare she flirt so blatantly with a man who, for all she knew, was hers.  She gave the woman a “how dare you” stare with her hands on her hips, that only produced a barrage of laughter from the flirtatious soiled doves.  When she opened her mouth to really let them have it, she was silenced by Heyes hand over her mouth.

“Don’t bother.  They’ll just keep laughing at you. Besides we’re used to it.  Happens in every town we stay in.  Forget about them.  Let’s go in and get a room then find Mr. McCreedy.”

“I can’t wait for a bath,”  Evie said.

“I can’t wait for a thick steak and soft bed,”  Kid said.

“I can’t wait for a cigar and good stiff whiskey,”  Heyes said.


Three hours later, they sat in the hotel dining room, all bathed and changed, eating steaks with all the trimmings, courtesy of Patrick McCreedy.  They shared with their bespectacled benefactor the harrowing details of their adventures out on the trail.  Mr.  McCreedy had in turn informed them that the two surviving gang members had been apprehended a couple of days ago and were now awaiting trial in Austin, as soon as they both healed up.  Mac bought the hotel’s finest wine to celebrate their safe return.   Evangeline, not accustomed to drinking alcohol, after two glasses was quite tipsy.  And after a third was down right drunk.  The boys escorted her back to their adjoining rooms, where she collapsed on her bed in a wine induced sleep.  She had managed to bid them both a slurred good night before she succumbed to her intoxication .

“Why don’t you go on over.  You never did get that whiskey you wanted,”  Kid said to his partner who now stood at the window  watching the saloon across the street.

“Nah, I don’t want to leave her.  She might wake up and need something.”

“I’ll be here.  I’ll watch her.” 

Heyes walked to the door that led to the adjoining room where Evie was sleeping.  The door was ajar as she had requested.  He peeked in and she was sound asleep. 

“You’ll keep an eye on her?”

“Sure.  I won’t let her out of my sight.”

“Alright.”  He grabbed his hat from the hat rack on the back of the door.  “I’ll just have one.  Or maybe two.  I’ll be back soon.”

“Take your time.  I’d say she’s out for the night, so play a little poker if you want.”   Heyes didn’t hear that last part.  He was already out the door.


He was nursing his second whiskey as he leaned with both elbows against the bar.  The first he’d downed in one quick shot.  Boy, he’d needed that.  And it was good to have some time alone.  He closed his eyes and absorbed the smells and sounds that came standard with all saloons.  They were familiar and comforting.  Familiar was good.  Because lately, everything he’d said, done and felt were vastly unfamiliar.  He had never felt for anybody what he felt for Evangeline.  And he’d needed these few quiet moments to himself to come to terms with just what and how he felt.  But even though the time alone was much needed, he found himself even now, wanting to hurry back across the street to be where she was.  To watch her while she slept.  To be there if she awoke and needed him.  He turned briefly and scanned the room.  The smoky room was filled with two of his greatest weaknesses, bad poker players and voluptuous women.  But tonight neither one held as much appeal as watching a slightly tipsy, nineteen year old, poetry reading, young woman sleep.  What was it about her?  He didn't know.  He just knew that when he had first found her, he was waiting to get rid of her so his life could continue like it always had.  But now....he was dreading to be apart from her and he felt in many ways like his life had just begun.  He turned back to lean on the bar.  He was anxious now to get back to her.   As soon as he finished this one, he’d head back to the hotel.

He was just downing the last of the whiskey when a pair of female hands came from behind to caress his shoulders, and a warm soft body was pressed against his back.  "Hello, there, Dimples. Remember me?  My name’s  Sally.   I knew you'd be around to see me sooner or later.  I'm sure glad you made it sooner and not later."  The deep, seductive  female voice belonged the the busty blond that had called to him from the balcony earlier.  She brought her mouth close  to his ear and purred  "You know it ain't everyday that men as good lookin' as you and your friend ride into this town.    Why not come up to my room and let me take care of all your worries?  I don’t think that little thing you rode in here with knows how to handle a stud like you.   Whadda ya say, Dimples?" 


Evangeline awoke to a dark and silent room.  How long had she been asleep.  She stretched and rubbed her eyes.  "Joshua?"  she called out. Ouch!  The sound of her own voice made her head woozy.

When silence greeted her she rose and the room tilted sideways.  With a slight stagger she made it into the adjoining room the boys shared.  Thaddeus was sitting in the chair next to the window sound asleep.  Joshua was not here.   Where could he be?  She looked at the pocket watch lying on the bedside table.  Eleven p.m.  Where would he go this time of night?  She walked to the window and pulled back the curtains.  The saloon.  She glanced at Thaddeus and knew he was out for a while.  She crept back to her room, donned her stockings and shoes and slipped silently out the door.

She approached the saloon doors with only slight trepidation.  She glanced nervously down the street in both directions.  Her mother would have been appalled to see her even standing in front of a saloon. But for some reason she didn't care what her mother would have thought.  It must be the wine in her veins, she decided.  Or perhaps her father's gambling blood in her veins was finally revealing itself.   She could hear the sounds of talking and laughter, and a twangy piano that was in bad need of tuning.  And she could smell the beer and whiskey.  Her heart was pounding as she dared to sneak a peek over the top of the heavy wooden bat wing doors.  Several tables were surrounded by men playing cards.  The twangy piano was in one corner, being played by a middle aged man, while a heavy set red head wearing a gaudy low cut dress attempted to sing along to "Beautiful Dreamer."   Several men stood at the bar drinking or ordering beer and whiskey.  And about half a dozen women in revealing dresses caroused about the room in search of any man who would take an interest.   An angry scowl washed over her face when she spotted the blond who'd spoken so rudely to her  and flirted so vulgarly with Joshua earlier that night.  She had herself draped all over some poor man, who obviously wasn't interested in her affections.  Hey,  he had a hat just like....her vision went green and then she saw red.


Two weeks ago, Sally's invitation would have been too much for him to resist.  Especially after a week like the one he'd just had, but for some reason her invitation just didn't interest him.  Who was he kidding?  He knew the reason and  that reason was sleeping in room 202 of the Alpine Inn across the street.  Heyes turned himself slowly, intending to politely refuse Sally's invitation.  He turned just in time to see Sally spin on her heels to face the person who had just tapped her on the shoulder.  Then he saw the right hook that caught her in the jaw and sent her flying side ways onto the floor at his feet.  All eyes in the saloon came to rest on the young woman who stood there in the middle of the room wincing and shaking her hand in mid air.

"Evangeline!  What the.....where did you....why the devil....."

He stepped over Sally's prone body, now surrounded by her fellow ladies of the evening.  He took some paper bills from his pocket and threw them on the floor beside the stunned women.  “Sorry ladies, this is for your trouble.”   Then he took Evangeline by the arm and hurried her out of the saloon.  They almost ran into Kid as he came running up on the board walk in front of the saloon.

"I thought you were gonna watch her!"

"Sorry.  I dozed off for a few minutes and when I woke up she was gone.  What happened anyway?"

"Take a look inside and you'll see."

Kid took in the scene inside and was able to fill in the blanks without any help.  Evangeline had come into the saloon just in time to see Sally offering her "goods" to Heyes.   Obviously not liking what she saw, and being filled with drunken bravado she had  punched the girl right in the jaw.  She was out cold.   Kid turned to see Heyes examining Evangeline's bruised right knuckles.

"What were you doing in there?"  Heyes asked her angrily.

"I was looking for you,"  she slurred.

"Well, you don't ever go into a place like that again.  And you don't go  around slugging people in the face."

"She had herself draped all over you,"  she threw back.  "And besides she had it comin' for the way she talked to me earlier.  And the way she was flirtin' with you.  Of all the nerve..."

"Was that right hook something else your father taught you?"  He found a tender spot on her hand causing her to suck in her breath.  "Sorry.  Maybe that will teach you not to go around punching innocent ladies in the face."

Her mouth hung open in disbelieve.  He was defending that....that.... oh, she wanted so badly to say that ugly word, but she didn't.  "Innocent lady?  You  mean you're going to stand here and lecture me about how to properly treat that."

"Heyes we better get back to the hotel before people start taking an unhealthy interest and start asking questions."

They hurried back to the hotel room.  Once inside Heyes sat her on the edge of the bed where he leaned with both hands on either side of her.  "What I'm going to lecture you on is not drawing unnecessary undesired attention to yourself.  When you draw attention to yourself, people get curious and start asking questions.  That's something two wanted men can't afford. You understand?  Now we'll have to leave town first thing in the morning instead of resting here for a few days."

Her remorse at her actions was written all over her face.   She slapped both hands across her mouth, her movements exaggerated due to her inebriated state.   "Oh, no.  I'm sorry.  I didn't realize.  I've ruined everything."  She looked like she was going to start crying.

He was immediately sorry he'd lectured her at all.  In her inebriated state she was far too emotional.  He should have waited until morning.  He was just about to tell her it was alright and no harm had been done when she began to heave. 

"Kid get me the pot, quick!"

Kid came with the chamber pot just in time for her to lose her supper into it.  In minutes she was out again.   Heyes removed her shoes and washed her face with a cool cloth. 

"She's got a lot to learn, Heyes,"  Kid said as he leaned against the door jam of Evie's room watching his partner tend to the beautiful young woman with tender care.

"Yeah,  I know."

"Did she really lay that girl out with a right hook?"

Heyes cracked a smile he'd been suppressing since he'd watched her slug Sally.  "She sure did." 

The boys looked at each other and busted out laughing.

"Well,  I think maybe I'd better go on over there and see what I can do to improve our relations with those ladies.  Kinda smooth things over, if you know what I mean.  Maybe we won't have to leave in the morning after all.   Besides, I don't think she's gonna be up to traveling tomorrow.  I think there's a hangover in her immediate future."    He waved silently to his partner as he left the room to go across the street to the saloon.

Heyes sat on the edge of her bed for a long time, thinking.   Living on the lamb with wanted men required certain knowledge and skills.  Was it fair to ask her to live this kind of life?  Right now, there wasn't any other choice.  But she was a smart girl and she would catch on soon enough. Yes, she had a lot to learn.  But she was in luck. Hannibal Heyes was an excellent and all too willing teacher.

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