There is God! Never doubt this in your mind, or imagine is inexistence. Only a fool my bible says do this.
There are many prove to the existence of God but i am not talking about that for now.
It is never written in any Holy Book that God create RELIGION for man!
God never establish Muslim, Christianity religion, Hindus religion or any name called religion.
God created man but man create Religion.
God never send a man into the world to start any Religion for Him because HE IS THE ALMIGHTY.
No man can feed or bribe God.
Peter once make an attempt to defend Jesus Christ with sword on the night of His arrest but instead of Jesus to support him, He rebuked him in that act because man can never defend God with bows and arrow, or with guns and sword.
How dare you killed your fellow brother in the name of The ALMIGHTY! or crucifying a soul like you just because you are defending the MASTER ARCHITECH OF THE UNIVERSE.
How old are you or who born you that you are defending THE ANCIENT OF DAYS with metal guns!
Who told you He cant defend Himself.
Never use the name of the Lord for stupidity, or selfish crazyness.
Be known either for your selfish Religion or for GOD!