Part 1 Run!

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Short story-part 1
Cabin in the wood
By. Priscilla Creech
Copyrighted material
(Meaning mine)

It is so cold.
Chained to the wall in his basement, naked .
She hears his truck pull up,  knowing if he had another toy unwillingly to making it his own .
That it would be her last night alive.
She clinched her eyes as she hears the basement door open. She could hear his every step as they got closer to her..
Mac seeing  her so afraid was amusing to him.
He walks up so close to her and bent down right over her and whispered  in her ear. " We are about to have some real fun now,  I am going to let you go. You are to run . Trust me , your life depends on it. I will  hunt you down like the piece of shit ass bitch you are."
She trimbled at his words  and screamed crying "Why. Please!!!! Don't."
Frustrated on why this bitch was questioning him.
He pushes her head back to were it hit the wall so hard it made her whimper. He undid her shackles. And took of her blind fold.
There she seen another girl knocked out and  knew this was it for her. She had to get away , like he said her life depended on it.
With a loud clap of his hands  she snapped back to reality and she ran.

He loves how she looked running up them stairs all naked, in fear, and no where to go .
He lived in the middle of 10 thousands acres of land. Even if she ran the whole way . It would still take her 5 to 7 hours to find her way to any town. So he chains the new toy up , walks up the stairs and grabs him a beer. Picking his weapon of choice to end her life. He was getting hard just thinking about it. He downs the rest of his beer and heads out the door  and screams out loud.
" Here kitty, kitty ,kitty"
He walks over to the entrance of the woods and seen that this is where she entered , do to the sticks were freshly broken .
He keep his paste following all the signs this stupid bitch left him.  "To bad she do not know I am a tracker" he said to himself .
It's been an hour now and he stopped , seeing  flashes running around the trees  . He could smell her sweetness  and knew it was her.
He called out " Here kitty, kitty ,kitty. I can smell your sweet ass from here"

She was running so fast  but ended up hurting her foot at the sound of him calling out to her.
So she had to bend down  behind a tree.
She could hear him coming closer. Her heart was starting to beat louder with every step he took getting closer to her.
She knew he could hear her heart beating against her chest. "THIS can't be It , this was the end."  She thought to her self . Looking down. Scared to look up as he came around the tree to see her there shaking .

He looked down at her and smiles, saying
"Well well well, looks like I found my little kitty
(Purring at her as he said kitty.)
"Get the fuck up , bitch."
He forces her up to were her back is up against the tree. He forces her too look at him.
Pushing her face up. "Don't cry little kitty, it will all be over soon" he said.  Licking her salty fresh tears falling  down her check.
One hand on his knife and one on her throat
He tells her.  " get the fuck on the ground , you stupid fucking whore". She does as he says and lays down on the ground.
He looks down at her. " now that is more like it"
He said to her smiling down looking so sinister, It made her sick.
He unzips his pants and they fall to the ground and he kicks them off the rest of the way only leaving his shirt on. He kicks her legs open.
And it made him almost mad to see how sexy her pussy looked all covered in dirt and all sweaty. He could smell her.
And groaned at the sight of her and fell to his knees, dragging her to him.

As he dragged her, she tried to dig her nails into the dirt behind her. Pleading for him to not and just stop. " I will not tell any one I swear. Please let me go"  He laughs in , making him moan out loud. "Shhh now, don't make me cut your fucking  tits off and make you eat them" .
He took his knife and ran it down the inside of her thigh .
He keeps the knife in one hand and said to her "if you move, I'll stab you to death and fuck your dead body ." He don't take no time . He thrush in to her. She lets out a scream in pain . And that just made him thrush even harder.
She was in pain from him and the dirt grinding inside her , as he slams in to her again, again and again.
He looks at her , enjoying her eyes full of pain.
He takes his one hand and wraps it around her throat. Throws his knife to the side and places his other hand around her throat and as he fucks her hard , he squeezes.
She started to fight , claw, and turn blue . But he was no where close . So he just keep thrust inside her. Squeezing her throat.
And he feels her go limp . But he keeps grinding , squeezing . Until he busted  Inside her.  He gets up and look down at her lifeless body. Bruises already formimg on her neck.
Her lips  blue from getting strangled to death.
He picks up his knife and bends down, cutting a piece of her hair off. So later he can Jack off while he smells her.  He gets up,  putting g pants back on , turns and walks always into the night heading back to his house. Thinking about his new toy that's chained in his basements..

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