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Life danced across the fields of Agrebenday and warmth inclined then declined during the everlasting spring. Whilst the sun was perched permanently in the sky, birds raced, rabbits bounced and fish swam with incredible speed. Life was amazing and interesting and you could tell because every creature was as curious as a sunflower with eternal life. Children ran and played, laughed and smiled and made lots of friends.

Life was amazing in Agrebenday.

Once upon a time in a fair land many layers below, was a world known as Agrebenday. Agrebenday was full of life, love, happiness and peace. Their world was never shrouded in darkness and the Agrebendians believed it was because of a terrible war that their gods took pity upon. Their Gods changed the course of history and stopped the sun in its tracks. They literally hold it in the sky, so now no misfortune, darkness or unhappiness covers the land.

One day an Agrebendian girl discovered the impossible. She found, darkness. She was sitting at home when she noticed a shadow in the corner of the room which started expanding outwards towards her as she ran outside to tell her parents.

Now this was no ordinary shadow, it was a living, breathing creature that fed on the souls of young girls.

The girl's name was Melody Sunbrave. She had shoulder blade-length hair that curled and twisted at the bottom and had a fringe that swept across her face. Her hair was a deep brown that turned a lighter shade of brown where it curled. She had soft and kind, blue eyes, and light pale skin that looked like white chocolate with flecks of brown food colouring.

She always wore blue and at that time she wore a blue top with ruffles on the straps that came down to her mid-bicep. She also wore navy blue jeans that covered her ankles and blue converse ankle tops. But don't let me tell you. Let's go to the beginning and see what happened then and after...

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