5: An Answer to a Cry

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For those of you who don't know, I'm a Christian, and although I don't always agree with other Christians on certain topics I do know that healing is possible.
Miracles do happen...? Right?
Thats a question that I used to ask myself constantly. There were days where I would go for a run and then stop breathing all together, then once I caught a breath or two I'd scream up at God. I always wondered why He wouldn't heal me you know? I just wanted to be normal.
Such a strange word and certainly not something I knew until recently. Over the summer I was prophesied over by an amazing man of God that I would be healed. I didn't really believe him, I was kinda just like yea okay whatever. But then something extraordinary happened.
I went to a Christian convention and one night the preacher got up and said, "Anyone who needs healing physically needs to come up here and receive what the Lord has for you." I am ashamed to say that I didnt go up at first because I didnt believe. I doubted. But then he said, "Anyone in this room with asthma needs to come up for prayer." And that was an amazing moment in my life.
I have never cried so hard out of happiness.

So I know a lot of you aren't Christians and that's okay, to each his own, but I just wanted to let y'all know that things like this happen. And its crazy and hard to believe but I haven't had any symptoms of asthma since the summer of 2k16! So yep that's all...

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