Disappeared part 1

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My name is Moises cayetano i am locked in a basement with rats bigger than my foot and im so hungry that my bones are showing threw my once thick skin and the only reason im in this situation is because a girl named Akeela and a guy Dewayne two people i would never think to cross me it all started one morning i was hanging with my homies Dewayne, Martin ,and quavaii. We where sitting at the corner martin was smoking a smarty,quavaii was talking bout how his girl just dumped him and i was thinking bout that girl Akeela for some reason i just wanted to be with her so i went to my plug Rashad and he gave me akeela kik instagram and whatever else i needed and eventually we where goin on a date i was broke so i took her to McDonald's and got her some stuff off the dollar menu i went off to the bathroom and this nigga named jesus tried to holler at Akeela i came and tried to boast up jesus hit me so hard i thought my name was spongebob till thus guy cane out of no where to my rescue and started to hit jesus ti he was out of breath from then on me and jahmari was straight and stayed friends for long and Akeela and i where talking alk the time we where callin each other bae and much more not knowing i.was a side nigga Grejanae a girl who lived uo the street came and told me yo girl cheating on you you getting straight punked by her she posted up at the chicken and fry store with yo friend dewayne so i ran to the store.ready to.throw hands and i brung my ride.or die jahmari when we got to the store Dewayne was there with his new friend Elijah and his girlfriend Amaya and  Akeela  was no where in sight what i didnt know is that Elijah had a gun on hus side jahmari noticed and quickly dissapeared down the street not telling me about the weapon so I ran at Dewayne in full force and Elijah hit me and put the gun to my head and was ready to pull the trigger till this crazy chick named tawayna came and scopes him in the head with a rock and we ran off together after that we where cool we became goid friends when.i seen jahmari he claimed his.mom was calling him and thtas why he left me.but i knew that.he didnt have a phone to be called on but whatever we where on chilk tilm we seen Akeela and next running down the street came quavaii and Martin they cane screaming with fear in there eyes when they finnaly got to us they.tild us that dewayne was out for our heads and probably theres for warning us and they dissapeared into the hood that night on 7news we seen quavaii missing and Martin dead 5 shots to the back one to the head quavaii was missing and martin was dead so me and jahmari decided to get strapped and had to find somewhere to stash our guns so we decided to stash it under our house we went under the house and we seen quavaii body chopped up like a puzzle we didnt know what to do that night we stayed up till morning scared for our life by the morning jahmari was tired of being scared so he decided to go to dewaynes spot and put a gun to his head and dewayne started to beg for his life till akeela came and hit jahmari with a gun in the head and they dragged his body away and everyone was to scared to snitch even thoe they where witnesses of the hole chrime but a drug dealer named Katina had the alk the Tea and told me everything so i got tawana which is the only person i had besides Jahmari and we headed to Dewaynes main spot and at the gate was the meanest puerto Rican in the hood Hiran he wouldn't let us in the gate so tawana got a rocked and bashed his head tikk she could see blood when we entered we where cautious we heard Akeela in one room so we went the opposite way an hour of searching we finnaly found Jahmari he was bruised up and starved we finnaly snuck out and managed to get back deeo in the hood without getting caught by the pigs (police) the hood wasnt safe bit still safe for us and i felt in my gut Dewayne woukd come back for me and i was ready to die for my friends
                  Weeks Later
I was chilling on my porch and i just felt cold bit it was warm oitside i just felt Unsafe all of a sudden a truck pulled uo in front.of me and 3 men came out to pulk me in they over powered me and i screamed loud enough that jahmari and tawana could here me and i said DEWAYNE so they knew whi took me i stayed in  dewaynes torture facility for about 3 weeks tilk this one cold.lonely night with dripping pipes and rats bigger than my foot i hear gunshots from left and right and to my rescue the one only team tawana and jahmari they grabbed me from my hole of despair and held me uo whike they shit our way to freedom from.the corner of my eye i caught Akeela tried to wscaoe i grabbed a gun and ran after her and when she finnaly fell i put the gun to her head and said this is for martin and quavaii and didnt hesitate to pull the trigger when we left the police had the trao surrounded and we knew we where goin to jail (WE BLACK) so we tried to run Jahmari decided ti sacrifice hus freedom so me and tawana could go free he went in for 15 years and i went to the navy for a little while.                                                     10 Years Later.  My name is moises cayetano im out of the navy married to tawana and has bailed jahmari oit of jail he scared forblife he.must have dropped the soap he still good he wont turn his back on fetting with girls and life is great.                                  Oh i never said Dewayne got caught.     Read part 2 for an update

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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