Chapter 5: Look Out

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Today is the night of Shawn's Toronto concert. I drive out to the the stadium and make sure I get there super early. I walk in and make my way backstage. I see Shawn in his dressing room on his phone. "Hey Shawn," I say opening the door wider and smiling. "Hey, baby," he replies coming over and giving me a kiss. "I need to tell you something and it is really important."

"Okay, shoot."

"Well, I figured out that the guy who has been trying to kill me's name is Peter Lowes and that he is coming tonight to kill you." Shawn looks at me with a very concerned look. "And I also figured out that I have an older brother named Caleb." His expression doesn't change. "Okay, thanks for warning me." He takes my hand and we walk out of the dressing room together. Shawn and I warn everyone about Peter and tell them what he looks like. "He will most likely be in disguise so watch for facial features." That is what I have told everybody we went to, which I think was about 20 to 30 people.

The show starts shortly after we tell everybody to be on the lookout. I watch from backstage and see something move from the front row. I look closer at the person and saw a face that is all too well known to me. My eyes widen and I back away from the curtain before he sees me. Too late. He looks in my direction before I can back away. He gives me a smile and then disappears into the crowd. I feel my heart speeding up and I race to find a hiding spot.

(Shawn's POV)

I look out to the crowd with a huge smile. I love performing for them. I try to push away thought that Peter is here and might kill me at any second. I know that Mack is standing behind the curtain, looking for him, so I look over there again. She wasn't there. I stop singing and stare where she would have been. Finally, the band stops playing and looks in the direction I was looking in. "What is happening," I hear someone ask. The question kept continuing through the crowd. I give a side glance at the crowd, knowing he must be out there.

A couple of seconds later, I hear heavy footsteps and light ones that are running. I see Mack turning the corner and she runs into me. "Sorry," she says, out of breath. "Your fine. What is happening? And where did you go?" I back up so that I can see her eyes. They were full of terror and I knew exactly what was going on. "Well, I see we meet at last. It is good to see you, Shawn." I turn round and see Peter standing behind me. He looked just like he did in the picture. "Oh, and here is this." He tosses something to Mack. Her hand balls into a fist around it.

"Where did you get this," she asks, her knuckles turning white. I would back away but I don't know what Peter is going to do. The crowd has gone silent now and it feels like time has frozen. "Oh, from an old friend of yours. Her name is Ellie." My eyes widen. I can feel heat coming off of Mackenzie. "What have you done with her," Mack practically yells. "Nothing, she got out of her punishment by giving that necklace, but the others might need some help. Anyway, I have tracked down the owner and they will face some serious consequences when I get to them."

"Who gave you that necklace," I ask facing Mack. She looks at me mournful eyes. "He doesn't know about your ex. My oh my, Mack, that is something completely unexpected."

"Your ex," I say giving her a glance. "Yes, my ex gave me this but it is not because that I still like him or anything. He was a jerk to me, but this necklace has something special with it and I don't know what."

"It is because he still loves you, and that necklace reminds you that. It has been a curse ever since you got it. You just can't get rid of it because you still care."

"That is not true, I don't still care..."

"Then why do you have it." Peter yelled, interrupting Mack's sentence. "Because, he is still a good friend and I want to keep it because I want to." Mackenzie's face turns bright red with anger. I see something silver catch light from the ceiling. "What do you want," I ask, making my way in front of Mack. "Oh, nothing much. Just a little blood that is all." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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