The Gang

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To be truthful I am terrified by these things.... Yeah I enjoy killing them but sometimes these things just get over you and you just cannot do anything!
The best time to enter the city is at from sunrise till twilight.

Some months ago I was at this shop called ' TechnoDeal' where I found this thing called "Cop's Game". At first I didn't understand what it actually did because the instructions were in Mandarin... But after some trial AND ERROR I finally understood the device. Let me explain what it did and believe me this is so damn cool... Like a spy!!

This device was actually made to be used as a toy but I used it to my full advantage. What it exactly did was.... If we switch the device on and throw it somewhere near our location, it sets up a 200 metre radius and starts beeping if any object enters the radius!! I used to throw these things around my tent every night and I thought it wouldn't last for a long time since it was priced at just $30. Just assuming that it's battery would die by a week or two, I bought 2 dozens of them!

Now that I knew that each one could last for at least 3 months I was ready to trade 2-3 of them for some food and ammunition. But only if there were any humans in this world. I just hope there are.

I set up the radius and tried to sleep as fast as I can because at dawn I would have to go in search of more food and ammunition. At this point I had almost run out of ammo and food . In this world of undead I had to have two things to stay alive- I) Food
II)Guns with bullets
I had given up the hope of finding any human and was praying day in and day out to God that these things should die of starvation and I should meet someone of my own kind , HUMAN!! I had spent almost a year without seeing a human and believe me this feeling is not good. It's like I am the last penguin in Antarctica.

But this night I discovered that I WAS WRONG! My spy device started beeping and switched off. I guessed that it's battery had died and I had to use some the other one now. But before that I checked on who was that who caused the device beep. I just felt that it might be a human and there was a beacon of light in my heart now. I just heard a sound that seemed to be of a car. My hopes went up as the sound increased and then I saw a light from the curving road. Then I finally saw the car and it was weird to be seeing an alive human after a year..

I didn't know how to react. I just yelled at 'em and they definitely saw me... Though I yelled(The Undead things cannot speak ) ,they still thought that was one of those things. That's because after some time people become totally distrustful. They parked a car at some distance away from me , maybe 20 metres away...
I could see three people getting out of the car - The one on the right side was just quiet during most of the conversations he looked like a weak guy with his skin kinda tanned- one of them pointed a gun at me and the others followed him. Well I just guess that the first guy might be the leader of that group.
Well assuming he is the leader, addressing him, I said
" Well I believe I ve met some humans at last"
" Are you bitten or something like that? Cause we don't need no trouble up in our camp" said the "presumable" leader
I just knew that I was not bitten or scratched or something like that so I just yelled back- "NO!"
Maybe that wasn't enough for them because one of them came forward and said "Drop your weapons if u have any"- This guy who was on the left was quite hefty and looked like a total bad-ass. He had some bruises on his forehead and some on his fingers. At least these were the ones which were noticeable-
I said that I didn't have any and that guy came further more towards me and checked whether I had any weapons on me. He got nothing so he just kicked me hard on my legs and I fell down with a thud.

Well that was not the welcome I was expecting but at least I found some humans.... They would eventually start trusting on me... At least that's what I thought
Though they didn't trust me, even they were willing to meet humans and they had the same thoughts as I did. They had this intercom through which they would communicate with each other and the leader took it out of his pocket and sent a message to the camp I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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