First Date

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Raegan's P.O.V.

I just picked Justin up and OMFG you do not know how handsome he is. I think I might frick him sideways! He might just take Rozzle on the first date! We were gonna stay at my house for the night too. Anyways, we were on our way to the date. I was driving and all of a sudden Justin turned the radio up and started screaming along to the song: Ride by Somo. I started sing along. Justin started putting his hand near my Rozzle. I moved his hand away and looked at him. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I looked at him with a look that said 'Later'. 

He looked out the window like he was mad. I started tickling him with one hand. He started laughing and looked at me. I told him "I love you". He looked at me scared. I said "I am sorry if i said that too fast." He said "I love you too." All of a sudden everything went black...

                                                        To Be Continued...

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