The Beginning

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This story begins with a prophecy "War is like a clock counting down until the end when the clock stops peace will be restored"

 As the Doctor was leaving the planet of the ood, he found that the door of the tardis was open. Finding it odd but brushing it off he walked in and started the tardis up. But after seconds of starting it up she heard a sound and turned around to see what it was and standing there was a woman with ash blonde hair with one muddy brown eye and the other a blue green color. "Hello Doctor long time no see" "Jade..." the woman chuckled "Jade is gone only the Master now, the Time Soldier"

Years ago...

The Master knew his time was coming to an end but he still wanted to leave destruction long after he passed and become a myth. He thought and thought and thought until he had an idea after he had a run in with doctordonna if the Doctor cross a human and a Time Lord then he could do it but he had to figure out away for it to not die instantly from the mass amount of intelligence that a Time Lord has. After a few weeks of planning he finally figured it out. To keep the human from dieing he would have to put the Time Lord half in an object that he would also have as the way of it to travel time and space. But first he had to find someone to test it on. He looked in many places and times to find the one. That is when he happened upon a woman with ash blonde hair with blue green colored eyes in a simple black dress in a coffee shop. Her name was Jade Tyler. From then on he followed her everywhere and studied her to see if she would be the one to become the experiment. After deciding that she was the one he had kidnaped her and started his experaments. He was successful but at the cost of her sanity, Jade went completely mad from the sound of the drums and whenever she hears the drums she would know to kill anything in her way driving her insane. 

Jade had a pistol and a sword on her at all times along with her pocket watch. She was ready to take on and kill any problem she faces or so she thought......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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