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Konan woke up and looked around her room. it took her a while to figure out she was back at the akatsuki base. the last thing she remember was being thrown into a couple of trees.

She looked into her mirror and noticed her head was all bandaged up."would explain the major headache" she muttered to herself as she closed her blinds. she laid back down and closed her eyes.

not to long after she did their was a soft knock on the door. she opened one eye halfway and tilted her head. "hello?' nagato opened the door a crack and looked at her "are you okay konan??"

she sighed and sat up. "nagato..I'm fine" he smiles cutely and walked over to her. konan pushed his hair out of his fave when he sat down. he bit his lip"how is your head?"

she rolled her eyes "it feels like I'm in hevan' he frowned but forced a smile. laying a hand on her cheek he said "what can I do to help?'

she pecked his cheek and laid down in bed. "just don't leave me"he nodded and laid down beside her. holding her close, he kissed her lips "don't tell yahiko"

she nodded softly and held him tighter "like I ever would.."

((sucky but I didn't see nagato wanting to ya know *wink wink*))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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