Hopeless Romantic X Fuckboi

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Tina stood in the hall starring at Jimmy Pesto Jr. He looked so hot with his brown gold fuckboi hair.
Tina had always had a crush on Jimmy Jr but was scared to tell him. All those nights she dreames of touching butts...if only it could be her reality. But Jimmy was always neutral with Tina. Never going past friendly conversation, no matter how many hints Tina dropped of her love for him. Then again he is kind of a fucking idiot. But Tina loved him anyway.

"Hi Tina what you doing?" asked her sister Louise. She so cool. Louise saw Tina starring at Jimmy and smirked.

"I honestly don't know why you like him sis. Hes so weak," Louise commented like her fabulous 9yr old self.
"I can't explain it. You wouldn't understand anyway you're too young," Tina muttered.
"Psh. Yeah right," Louise scoffed."Whatever see you later class starts in two minutes. Bye."

And with that she walked away. She was right though. Roughly two minutes later the bell rang and everyone went to class.

Tina sank in her chair and sighed. Jimmy Jr was in her class, and his desk was right behind hers.
" Hey Tina," Jimmy said in his weird ass voice. Tina turned to look at Jimmy.
"Hey Jimmy Jr," she replied.
"All the other kids are going to Jocelyn's house later. Are you coming?" he asked. Jocelyn was Tammy's( a popular girl) best friend. And was also quite popular. They sometimes invited Tina to things so she could feel involved.
"Yeah I guess," she shrugged. Well if Jimmy was going she definitely was.
"Good. I like it when you come to things," Jimmy Jr smiled. He smiled at her! And said he liked hanging out with her! Tina was a hopeless romantic so this was a big deal to her. Before she could say anything the teacher entered the classroom and she had to get on with work. Tina's mood was so high now. Nothing could make put her down. And she was actually excited to go see everybody at Jocelyn's house.
Until she saw Jimmy Jr and some girl kissing next to the boys bathroom.

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