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Naruto's POV

I had been on board of a ship for at least six years. I was on this ship since I was at least ten. I was the cleaning boy for so long I didn't know what other job would suit me. I had been taken care of by the captain until now. We were just docking for a few minutes then we were heading out to the planets beyond the sun. I was at a supply shop when I realized I was running late. I headed back to where the ship was but it was already sailing. I pouted and mumbled about stupid crew members forgetting about me. They usually did that as a prank, but this time it didn't seem like it. I had an argument with the captain a few minutes before docking. I headed back to the job searching tavern but bumped into someone on the way. I looked up slowly and found a really handsome man with raven colored hair and onyx eyes. He was glaring down at me, I just stood there staring at him. I bit my lip then opened my mouth to form an apology but he leaned over and was just centimeters away from me.

"You're a scrubber, aren't you?" He said then started to walk around me checking me out.

I nodded, he smirked and grabbed my arm. He pulled me over to another ship that had been docked next to the one I was supposed to be on. It was three times bigger than the other ship and it was so dark I thought that the ship could disappear in the night. He pulled me up the ramp and into the captain's chamber. I panicked; this guy was the captain.

"I'm hiring you, in fact you won't be cleaning anything at all. "The handsome man said and check me out again.

I blushed and stood there awkwardly. He pulled on my clothing and mumbled something to himself. I tried not to fight back since I knew this guy could beat the shit out of me. He sighed and turned to the door, he opened it and yelled something out to whoever was out there. I gulped and allowed myself to glance around for a bit. Soon the man turned back to me with a slam of the door making me jump. His eyes automatically connected to mine and I swear I could see into some type of world, I quickly looked away. The man chuckled and lifted my chin, he leaned closer.

"You're pretty cute, you know it's a crime to be cute right?" He whispered sending a shiver down my spine.

I opened my mouth to reply but the door swung open and a girl with long green hair and grey eyes walked in. She was wearing the richest cloth in all the worlds, wool. She pouted when she saw me and swatted the man out of the way. I noticed that he didn't glare at her like he would with the girls that were littering the streets back at the dock. She began to touch me in places and mumble somethings under her breath, she smelled amazing kind of like peaches or even pine. I stiffened when she touched my butt and groin area, this girl was definitely not shy. She pulled back and dung into the small pouch on her waist. She brought out a measuring tape and let it fall to the ground as she rose it to my height, she mumbled and took a pen out.

"Can you hurry it up Mizoruya?" The man asked.

"Do you want him dressed or not? Now, shut the fuck up before I make you."The girl said and grabbed my arm.

She rose it and I made sure it stuck there until she finished measuring, then came my legs. I was getting nervous every time she went near my groin. Sure, she was gorgeous but I was and still am a virgin. The man sighed and sat back down in the chair from earlier. I watched him, then I was poked causing me to jump.

"All done, you can have your toy back." The girl said and walked out of the room.

The man smirked and beckoned me over to him, I slowly walked over to him and knelt like I would for my captain. He shook his head and pulled me up.

"Never kneel to me, you're in a high position to even do that." He said and motioned for me to sit in the chair next to him.

I did as told to and sat in the big comfy looking seat.

"My names Uchiha Sasuke, I'm sure you've heard of me." Sasuke said and motioned in the air as though he didn't want to talk about himself.

"I-I'm Uzu-umaki Nar-ruto, nice to meet you." I said sticking my hand out shyly.

The man nodded but didn't take my hand instead he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"You're mine now, if anyone gives you trouble besides Mizoruya let me know and I will kill them." Sasuke said and smirked at my blushing face.

I nodded and opened my mouth to ask about the girl but he probably already knew that.

"She is not my lover, she is a family member so to say, but she is not an Uchiha." Sasuke said and turned to look out the window that took up most of the room, "And we will be having sex quite often in here." He said and poked my side.

I jumped and blushed redder than a tomato can ever. Sasuke chuckled and stood, he headed for the door when it swung open and there standing with fabric and other things was Mizoruya. Sasuke was rubbing his nose which the door had hit and walked out. I gulped again and stared at her as she set things up, she pulled the curtain on the window and tied it.

"Alright, what is your name and age?" She asked as she unrolled some fabric.

"Uzumaki Naruto, I'm eighteen, madam! "I said and stood then bowed.

She smiled and pulled some scissors from her pocket and cut the wool into pieces.

"Alright, so I'm guessing he told you that you will be having sex, am I right?" Mizoruya asked.

I nodded and looked to my shoes.

"Can you strip to your underwear? Don't worry, he isn't the type to force it on you, just tell him you're not ready." Mizoruya said with a small smile as though she knew.

I nodded and stripped, I shivered once the sea air hit my warm body. Must be night already, Mizoruya came over to me with the biggest piece of fabric and wrapped it around me and pinned it. This went on until I was fully clothed, Sasuke came back in with three bowls of food, it smelled wonderful. My stomach agreed since it gurgled loudly. I blushed while the other two laughed, Mizo, as she wanted me to call her, took the fabric off me and let me dress back into my old rags. Sasuke looked away giving me some privacy, I cleared my throat and waited for the steaming bowl to be handed to me.

"Onion soup with beef flavored noodles." Sasuke said and handed us our bowls.

I quickly slurped it down and breathed out heavily. I thanked him and sat down waiting for them to be finished. They just stared at me then rose their bowl to my level. I looked at them weirdly until I got the hint, I took Mizo's bowl slowly making sure she really wanted to hand it over then swallowed it down..

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