The Way You Feel (Part One)

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In a world of isolation, you can never truly know what it feels like to be in love, or how it feels to touch a person.

Ethan had been born in isolation, his mother was insane, a murderer of innocent souls. When she was caught, they took her to an isolated building on an island, unbeknownst of the baby she carried in her stomach. When the boy was born, he was given clothes, food, and every other necessity through a small hole in the door.

His mother died on Ethan's 13th birthday, and his last companion he ever knew was lost. The guards who watched over the small family had swore never to let Ethan out of isolation, and the small boy accepted it. He would pass them notes back of gratitude for the food when he had to return the tray, and soon the guards began to feel sorrowful for him. No way a kid this polite could be insane, right? No.

On Ethan's 14th birthday, the guards cautiously went inside the small four-wall room. Ethan was ecstatic to see someone real for once, someone who would listen, and respond. The four walls got lonely after a while.

The three guards talked with Ethan about his exhibitions, and interests. They asked his sexual preference, then blushed when Ethan asked them what that meant.

"Okay, look at Amy here. She is a girl."

"Like my mom, right?" Ethan asked while looking at Amy, sitting on his hands to keep them from moving, due to his nervous energy. He hated that jittery feeling.

"Yeah. Like your mom." Amy's melodic voice replied sweetly.

Ethan shook his head.

"I never understood the fat on their chests', you know?" Mark nodded.

"Okay... so... do you find yourself attracted to Amy, in any way?" Mark prodded, while his friend sat quietly.

"Not really. I think Tyler is nicer to look at." Ethan replied with a shrug, not having any clue what that meant.

"Oh, so you're gay." The male with brown curls named Tyler responded with the faintest trace of a blush on his cheeks.

"What does that mean?"

"You like boys." Mark replied.

"Oh, yeah. I do." Ethan nodded vigorously.

"Okay, cool. So does Tyler." Mark smirked, and patted the quiet man on the back. A small smile broke out on Ethan's face. It was odd, the feeling he got in his stomach around Tyler. There was no way this could be normal.

Much to the boys' dismay, soon thereafter, the guards had to leave Ethan's cell, and go home. The other guards were not near as nice to Ethan.

Months passed, and the guards became more risky, becoming really good friends with Ethan. Amy, and Mark were both trying to get Ethan to kiss Tyler, but Ethan had been raised with no human contact, not even his mom after she stopped caring about the boy enough to stop breast-feeding him. Ethan had been sad about that, but obeyed her orders anyway.

It took about a year before the guards were comfortable enough with Ethan to sleep in the same room as him, but now, at the age of sixteen, Ethan had started getting strange dreams, and desires. Ethan wanted human contact in the most intimate way possible. He wanted to touch, to feel, to understand Tyler in a completely new way. Mark had noticed subtle changes in the boy, but had never put two and two together in a way that he would understnad why Ethan had begun acting this way. 

The night that the three guards decided to spend with me, they had talked for hours, Mark, and Amy smirking at how Ethan, and Tyler flirted at one another. Ethan still refused to touch anyone else, no matter how much he wanted to feel the texture of someone else's skin. Tyler multiple times had advanced on Ethan subtly, but the boy didn't seem to get the hint.

That night, the four had shown their real age. To be truthful, the three were just teenagers. Amy had suggested something reckless, that they dye Ethan's hair.

Ethan wasn't at all apposed to the idea, as Mark had gone through many colors since they became friends.

"Blue." Ethan decided his color without hesitation.

Time skip

Tyler had to admit, Ethan looked damn sexy with blue hair. There was no denying his attraction to the younger at this stage.

Tyler had enjoyed running his hands through Ethan's hair, lathering up the blue substance, and then washing it out, relishing apon the small sounds of appreciation that Ethan made.

That was the closest Ethan had come to touching anybody, and he decided that Tyler was to be his first.

Around midnight, Ethan looked around, seeing how everybody was sound asleep on the floor.

The small boy was thankful that Tyler had slept closest to him.

Ethan felt jittery, as his hands hovered over Tyler's skin.

He took the plunge, letting his fingers trace the panes of Tyler's features. The feeling was unlike any other. The skin was warm, and felt smooth beneath his fingertips.

Ethan hurriedly moved down to Tyler's neck, relishing in how different it was to what he had felt before.

Ethan looked down, feeling reckless, and high off of this exhilaration. He slipped his cool fingers beneath Tyler's shirt, running his hands up the order's torso. Ethan's eyes went wide as he felt a change in atmosphere. He wanted to touch Tyler, but in a new way.

He had the urge which he had been repressing, the feeling in his jeans oddly satisfying, as well as terrifying.

Ethan wasn't paying attention, as Tyler opened his eyes, and watched the blue-haired boy run his hands over his body.

There couldn't have been a worse time, as Tyler had just been dreaming a more compromising scenario about the boy who was running his hands over Tyler's smooth chest.

Ethan bit his lip, and shifted directions, running his hands down over Tyler's hips, and decided he wanted to feel other parts of his body.

Now that he knew how it felt, the younger couldn't get enough of it.

He quickly unbuttoned Tyler's jeans, somehow not hearing the subtle sigh, as Tyler felt slight pleasure from the release of pressure.

For the first time, Ethan spoke out loud, forgetting all worry of waking Tyler up.

"Why is it so big, and hard?"

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