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We were kissing for a phew seconds before something bad happened. The door opened and....
We instantly stopped and shot our eyes towards the door. We saw josh standing there looking fuming and all of the rest of the guys looking shocked.
Josh: wtf was going on here! He shouted as he ran over and punched Simon.
Y/n: SIMOM! I screamed as I fell to the ground and hugged Simon as he held his head.
Josh: WHY WERE YOU KISSING! He shouted louder.
Y/n: BECAUSE WE LOVE EACH OTHER! I screamed as I cried.
Simon: ITS SIX YEARS! WHY DOES THAT MATTER. He shouted as he groaned.
Josh: BECAUSE ITS TO BIG! He said as he glared at me and Simon.
Y/n: do you know what. I don't care. Simon needs medical help and I'm going to take him if any of you want to come then come but if not then stay here and don't talk to us! I lightly shouted as I helped Simon up and walked towards the door.
Josh: wait. Josh said as I turned my head slightly waiting for a reply.
Josh: I'll come. He said as he walked over and put Simons arm around his shoulder and helped him walk.
I smiled as I turned around and looked at the guys who were smiling back at me.

-time skip to at the hospital-

We been sat in waiting room waiting for anything for the past hour. I'm so worried. Then I saw a women walk out of the room and said Simon's name. Me and all of the guys stood up. She looked surprised. Then smiled and spoke.
Nurse: okay so Simon got a pretty hard hit to his head when he fell but it's nothing that a bit of ice and rest won't fix, he just needs to rest and you guys are going to have to help him for a bit but he will be fine. She said as she smiled.
I suddenly felt really relieved as I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding.
Y/n: can we see him. I said as I looked at his room.
Nurse: yes, you can take him home now. She said as she looked at us.
Y/n: yay. I said as I ran into his room.
He was sitting on the bed looking sad, but as soon as he saw me his eyes lit up and he smiled a huge smile.
Y/n: hey, how you feeling. I said as walked over to him.
Simon: great now. He said making me blush.
Y/n: Simon you can come home now. I said as I held his hand.
Simon: oh okay let's go cuz I need to film some videos. He said as he stood up.
Y/n: Simon you can't make videos for now. I said looking at him seriously.
Simon: you are joking right, my life is YouTube, my job is YouTube, what do you mean I can't make videos. He said looking shocked.
Y/n: Simon you need rest. I said as I helped him walk.
Simon: no I have to make videos. He said as he stopped.
Y/n: no Simon, no means no and I don't want you getting worse okay! I said sternly like a mom.
Simon: okay. He said as he sighed as we walked out to the guys.
Josh: Simon bro, you don't know how sorry I am, I was just angry I should've been happy for you. He said as he bro hugged Simon.
Simon: no problem bro. He said as he bro hugged him again.

-time skip to 11pm that night cuz I'm lazy-

Me and Simon were in his room laying in his bed. We were hugging while watching sidemen videos and edits. Then I started to get tired so I laid down.
Y/n: can I sleep in here tonight please. I'm so tired and can't be bothered to move. I said as I did puddly dog eyes.
Simon: okay. He said as he laid down next to me.
Y/n: what are we Simon. I said as I looked at the ceiling.
Simon: whatever you want us to be. He said as he kissed my cheek.
Then I turned to face him and cupped his cheeks and pecked his lips. I then turned around and faced the other way as I giggled a bit at his reaction. I closed my eyes and was trying to sleep when I felt Simons arms snake around my waist and pull me close. I snuggled into him and quickly fell asleep.

*Simons PoV*
Me and y/n were laying in bed and she asked me a question.
Y/n: what are we Simon. She said as she looked at the ceiling.
Simon: whatever you want us to be. I said as I kissed her cheek.
Does she want us to be something. Can I do that. What will my fans say. No i can't. But I loved her. Now I Simon stop.
I was broke out of my thoughts but y/n cupping my cheeks into her hands and pecked my lips. It felt amazing. I love her so much. She then rolled over giggled. Oh how I love her laugh. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. She then moved closer to me and fell asleep. I really do love her.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~awhhh what a sweet ending. I love writing this book so much. I'm also half way through a new chapter in my 'perfect life' book. Anyway until next time PEACE✌️

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