#16/Locked away

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Hey Leude🙈😇

Heute geht es um das Lied

                             'Locked away'

                von R.City

Das Lied ist ja jetzt schon ein bisschen älter, aber ich liebe es trotzdem total<3 Ich weiß nicht mehr genau warum, aber ich hab das auf jeden Fall ne Zeit lang extrem gesuchtet. Heute ist  es auch immer noch ein Lied das ich, wenn es irgendwo läuft, auch auf jeden Fall höre:)

Aber genug geredet=-) Kommen wir zum Text:

If  I got locked away,

and we lost it all today,

tell me honestly,

would you still love me the same?

If I showed you my flaws,

If I couldn't be strong,

tell me honestly,

would you still love me the same?

(right about now)

If a judge for life me,

would you stay by my side?

or is you gonna say Goodbye?

Can you tell me right now?

If I couldn't buy you the fancy things in life,

Shawty, would it be alright?

come and show me that you are down

Now tell me would you really ride for me?

Baby; tell me would you die for me?

Would you spend your whole life with me?

Would you be there to always hold me down?

Now tell me would you really cry for me?

Baby, don't lie to me,

If I didn't  have anything,

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